Freyja 金
Three articles of one topic for lunchtime. Perfect.
1) A ray of hope:
Coronavirus: Thai doctors 'successfully treat' virus...
2) The devastating "first":
Philippines records first coronavirus death outside ...
3) AKA what we know so far and what we need to know ASAP:
Coronavirus: the key questions scientists are urgent...
Freyja 金
Publication about the 2019-nCoV in The Lancet, free access:
Freyja 金
So... Indonesia is on the same level with India or...???
Under-funded and ill-equipped: India's creaking hosp...
Sama parahnya HAHAHAHAHA
Freyja 金
Sama-sama IND depannya ya /heh
Antara Rupee dan Rupiah beda dikit HAHAHAHAHA
Freyja 金
🍉 fifaatm
Eh makaci ya udah share2 disini. Aku aslik males sengaja nyari2 berita corona ini, jd cuma dapet dr share2an, tp ya kadang dptnya berita yg nampak berlumur hoax. Kalo Freyja 金 yg share jauh lebih reliable dan ilmiah sih
Freyja 金
🍉 fifaatm : Sama-sama Membagikan ilmu nggak ada ruginya. Memang susah nemu yang reliable di sosmed, harus cari sendiri. Makanya aku share siapa tau ada yang nggak punya waktu buat nyari (haha)