but to make absolutely no “message.” and no, films don’t have to have a message (lemme just preempt that dumb comment someone always wants to make) but it’s so clear that this movie wants you to think it has one. it doesn’t.
joker insists on telling you he’s not political multiple times in the same way people tell you they’re “sick of politics,” only to ignore the influence of politics in literally everything that led to where he is—
and you’re never given a clear sense of what Phillips wants you to believe from that point on, because the chaos is so much more intriguing to him than anything of substance. whatever.
後面講到為什麼這是讓他最不爽的超英電影原因 because it insists on masquerading as something smarter and more important than the “average superhero flick.” 非常同意XD
先說我不是喔完全無法投射這片就讓My昆又紅惹一次,這樣。但結果只是愛靠腰的平庸大眾之一這樣都 still better than Brian 喇(就是台灣那個ㄅ恩)攝影演技無話可說,但劇本真的讓我無言,本片如果不是打著DC小丑的招牌才不會有好評價,換成是一個路人的故事肯定會被嫌棄故事不知所云。
就和那些底層相關的討論一樣廢話連篇)對我就不是很屑超英電影啊啊講出來了),應該來看個自殺小隊蒐集一下小丑but to make absolutely no “message.” and no, films don’t have to have a message (lemme just preempt that dumb comment someone always wants to make) but it’s so clear that this movie wants you to think it has one. it doesn’t.
because it insists on masquerading as something smarter and more important than the “average superhero flick.”
所以我看的過程中一直想到蚵粉,雙方各大五十大板我沒有立場我中立我好棒棒XD哪有柯粉這麼噁,覺得他講出沒有政治意圖完全合理,因為就真的沒有,然後觀眾都覺得有然後各種超譯這樣;看了其他評論的留言才知道有人拿來和鬥陣俱樂部比,這是想要惹毛多少人啊所以就蚵粉啊XD來自 9GAG,偉哉基哥