Bioware style party-recruiting open RPG where the protag is asexual but there's an extensive matchmaker system for helping your friends hook up with each other
holy fuck that sounds incredible
Rabbit Crimes
NekoInc, MSPM
I'd love it
I'm the main character of a harem comedy but I'm gay so every day is hell was truly the only valid harem manga
oh my god is that actually a harem manga
it's a oneshot but
that's amazing
Kindred Spirits proved the concept
dragon time
Fuck yes fuck yes gimme the ships
Princess Emily
yeah like, it's a thing in long running romance manga where the only two ways to keep it going once the main couple hooks up is to either introduce weird improbable problems, or focus on side character romances. the problem with the second is that like
Princess Emily
the reader mostly cares about the main characters? as it should be
Princess Emily
make them a matchmaker though
Princess Emily
and bam you get the character focus plus side character romance to keep the story going
Princess Emily
anyway that's about manga but it'll work for a video game
Princess Emily
fund it
Rabbit Crimes
let me be the ace wingwoman for a shy lesbian mage and I will die happy
you invented fire emblem
i mean id absolutely play this because fire emblem is, Sadly, Extremely Straight Damaged now but
it does include hooking up all ur friends
mainly OOCly, though
and you're still in the modern games sexin up your avatar pretty hard
Rabbit Crimes
It’s the “BioWare style RPG” aspect that I’m interested in the most for something like this
Rabbit Crimes
I would kill for a game like Dragon Age where instead of some dialogue choices making someone love me, getting to a certain relationship threshold means they trust me enough to talk about things like what their sexuality is and who if anyone they’re attracted to
Rabbit Crimes
and oh hey look, replay value in the form of recruiting different sets of party members opening up different possible romance routes and ways to hook characters up
yeah i want that plus everyone can be gay