Yesterday (2019) - Movie Trailer

Immortal Socks
Have you seen this, @putridgloom? I think it looks amazing!

Honey Bunny
Haha that looks boss

Immortal Socks
You haven't seen that? Cool.

Immortal Socks
I'm so stoked! Want to go on opening night and compare notes?

Honey Bunny
it might come out later here, but if it opens on the same night, sure

Honey Bunny
I've ordered rocketman on my cable, so excited for that

Immortal Socks
Cool. Cool.

Immortal Socks
I think that looks pretty fucking good but this looks like Oscar material.

Honey Bunny
fyi, if you ever come across it, give this a watch
Sing Street - Trailer

Honey Bunny
it's nothing special, but I saw it by chance and really enjoyed it

Immortal Socks

Honey Bunny
it's a good feel good movie

Yes that looks so good

Shiloh x Debbi
Honey Bunny
: yes! Love Sing Street. Also Yesterday looks really good.