I don't know if you've read about Trump's plan to 'honor' the dead on Memorial DAy by pardoning war criminals, but it is an obscenity.

Earlier this month, he pardoned Michael Behenna who was given the task of driving a man the military had interrogated as a suspect in a bombing, but finding now evidence sent him home. He was bound and blindfolded and Behenna shot him in the head and chest, murdering him. Found guilty, his family got him to be a FOX cause celebre & Trump pardoned him

Now he plans to pardon Special Operations Chief Edward Gallagher who is on trial for war crimes. This is a man who threatened the seven Navy Seals who turned him in.

Another he has requested they prepare pardon for is a Blackwater contractor convicted of killing dozens of civiliians and soldiers convicted of urinating on corpses.

Gallagher is a danger to all society, he is a sadistic serial killer, murdering teenage girls in Iraq
Navy SEALs Were Warned Against Reporting Their Chief...

This is part and parcel of Trump being a physical and moral coward. Cowards do not understand courage so they mistake cruelty and brutality for courage. It's why he encourages cops to knock suspects against the door frame, why he loves waterboading, why he threatened the children and spouses of terrorists. It's his cowardice fronting as brutality

I would really love to see Mango “interrogated”. He’d crack instantly.