Some dude didn't get answered over the weekend and says our customer service is very poor.

I warned that I will be very spotty with activity because of RL. Dude never looked at 'redelivery' displayed in large gold letters in front of the CSR he is messaging to and apparently he never clicked that.

Mate, your perception is VERY poor.
What's the point of having FAQs at this point if no one ever reads them?
Walton : still wouldn’t get rid of em. Still puts enough fault & responsibility on the customer and off you. They didn’t read it, not ur problem.
Some people are just too spoiled for their own good, and it shows.
Kriz : If SL could broadcast my disgusted facial expressions towards him I'd use it right now.
HAHA! Being able to do that in moments like that would feel soooooo good. I just want to ask them “are yeh that bored princess?! If they don’t relax some after you’ve even taken the time to explain there was an RL reason behind a delay, then answer is yes.
I have had customers try to call me on voice chat with requests that I teach them how to use my product. When I point out that there is a notecard with all of the information their response is they don’t like to read.
Cult~Storm : LMAO good grief
Walton : You need to build a script a device that can produce a visual representation your disgusted expression on command