Jingle Witch
What is with the lie that conservatives tell where they share a picture of a praying us soldier or something and a lie that says something like "OMG TEH FACEBOOK BANND THIS IMAGE CUZ IT OFFENDED TEH LIBRULZ LETS ALL SHARE! "? So pointless and stupid.
Luke Skywanker
Wait so they post a picture and then say this very picture was banned?
Jingle Witch
and like I get most of the people who share it just share without thinking but it would take like one second of critical thought and one second of research to confirm it's bullshit
Jingle Witch
lol yup
Jingle Witch
like.... all the time
Luke Skywanker
Jingle Witch
I mean people post stuff that violates the tos all the damn time and only some of then get caught so that part isn't that weird
Jingle Witch
it's just the whole co opted persecution crap
that's literally what it is. that branch of Christianity believes the more persecuted you are, the holier you are
Luke Skywanker
White Christians, so downtrodden
i remember being taught that lucifer fell and took 1/3 the host with him and that all Christians have an angel assigned to them but the Devil hates Christians so much, for every one angel a Christian had, they had two devils/demons so if you weren't suffering or being persecuted, your faith was false
Luke Skywanker
holy shit
It's a way to get their "side" worked up and angry, basically.
The left can do it too, sadly.
Jingle Witch
And it's this "offending people " fetish where if they post something racist or sexist and someone is offended they get to jerk off to how edgy they are
Lucifer did create cloning after all. That explains the disparity in numbers right?
Jingle Witch
that makes a lot of sense
Seriously, I have never, ever felt offended by someone genuinely praying. I mean I was taught not to pray in public because it's a private thing but I don't care if someone is enjoying their faith. I care if they are using it to aggressively or passive aggressively try to shit on me or other people.
Pray. Be religious. Don't be an asshole. I only take issue with assholes.
Jingle Witch
Luke Skywanker