Stereo Nacht
Glorious morning, everyone! I went to sleep around 11pm, and woke up for good around 9 am... That should help! :-D The last two hours or so were more or less half-sleep, but it's good just the same. And I dreamed of some old medieval-like city on a mountain with lots of little roads winding around... And I went home to sleep
Stereo Nacht
in one of those little houses that were barely more than one room per floor, two or tree story high... Until the dream changed and there were two single beds... In a bank hall... And I kept tryingt to go to sleep between attending to money matters. Do you think I was sleep deprived, lately? (devil)
hah. it sure sounds like it
dreaming about sleep has got to be a sign
(wave) Sounds like a neat place to visit!