I'm so disgusted yet unsurprised by the OK bs
Backwards state has backwards thinking. So fucking sad.
Natalie 🌈
Yeah, that school story makes my blood boil.
Sean Gorham
There really are two Americas now. The problem is separating them.
Natalie 🌈
Oh I don’t know, the hateful racist bigots are doing pretty good at identifying themselves
those comments made about a 12 year old shattered my heart. people are cruel and ignorant
Natalie 🌈
Lloyd.Christmas : welcome to being trans. They’d be saying it if it were any other trans person in any other situation. This time it’s about a 12yr old girl. Bigotry doesn’t see age
Sean Gorham
Identifying the bigots isn't the problem. Putting them off somewhere in their own little country is the problem.
Stereo Nacht
Let's hope the first will show the second there is no need to be afraid of difference... Hope!
Stereo Nacht : you are much more optimistic than me sad to say.
Tillor Swift
Wow, such big tough adults to bully a 12 year old
Stereo Nacht
FREEarmStar🌟🎉 : Yeah. I am one of those who still haven't given up on there being more good people than bad ones, and that the world is heading to better places, despite the occasional set-backs.
The U is more and more dropping out of the USA