Home. That was a relatively hard work day. Climbed 120 steps - twice. Descended the same 120 steps - twice. Counted people with a clicker thing (that bit was easy) but had to squish them into groups of not more than 5 peeps and not more than 700 pounds total weight. That bit wuzz harder.
Had three sessions of grabbing rubber rafts from a conveyor belt and slinging them to the ride attendants fur filling with peeps and pushing down the slide. My front paws will hurt in the morny.
Kings Cross today.
. Muggle studies - and pretending I've never heard of Hogwarts. I suggest peoples go to our Health Services unit if they mention Hogwarts. I say they may be able to get a cream fur it. I was wrong about the steps - it wuzz 3 times, not 2. Work start/end and 2 breaks.
Did get to spend most of the day with the shoes and socks off - so that was new. Lots of splashy water and three squishy rubber mats. Down side, there was lots of standing on the concrete fur long periods. The bottom of my back paws are all ripped to bits (and sting a bit).
Counted people with a clicker thing (that bit was easy) but had to squish them into groups of not more than 5 peeps and not more than 700 pounds total weight. That bit wuzz harder.
I was wrong about the steps - it wuzz 3 times, not 2. Work start/end and 2 breaks.