hello this is the crit plurk. but first we just have a question re: cyoas so hold on a sec while i type out the question
ok so, we are considering doing signups for cyoas because we realize not everyone can go online at 12pm est to claim a spot. but how would you guys... like the signups to happen
because signups could also be a first come first serve situation? so should we do signups and have like. rng. or
this is very not eloquently put but, yes. anyway please carry on, feel free to make other commentary but also answer this too if you have Opinions
I like rng! I think it makes it completely fair--and you can judge fudge it a little if the same people keep getting randomly selected.
rng of signups of course
mango diequiri
I think it should be signup RNG
mango diequiri
yeah ^ basically
rng signups yeah
holy shipp
ye i think we'd try to prioritize people who haven't gotten to do cyoas
rng signups sounds fair!
hh ♫
yep rng signups sounds good!
as someone who participated this week i dont plan to sign up again but i think the complete random nature makes it most fair
especially if you say those who have done one can't sign up again it feels like it'll give everyone a fair shot
(the cyoa was really good though, thank you for it)
fallen star 🌙
rng, yeah
i'm gonna say you're welcome but zia would kill me for taking her praise
human disaster
leave my penguin side story alone
but okay!! if everyone thinks rng is best, after the penguin goes up i will probably also put up a signup post for this
rng is best, yeah!
human disaster
the penguin
mango diequiri
holy shipp
after the penguin goes up
sleepy time gal
mango diequiri
please put up a penguin too
Yeah maybe it could be a mix? like for example, you have a sign up list for 24 hours
i saw the word penguin and typed shut up i hate you all this plurk is canceld too
hh ♫
can the penguin come with us to w2
And anyone signing up gets put into the rng pool
mango diequiri
penguin can contract with Chuchu
human disaster
yeah i think we'll make a sign up for each week that has one? that way people know they are available or not for one
human disaster
before signing up
hh ♫
yes i like that plan
holy shipp
that way you know
you guys can choose when the cyoa will icly happen (the ppl chosen) but we can start the thread before then to make sure you guys get it done before the weekend
That way you have a list of interested people and give a good span of time to sign up
yeah! i like that too.
Hazard Kitten
Yeah, Sign up then RNG from the sign-up list seems like the best option
alrighty that's perfect! i'm running the next one so. hopefully it'll be fun
i say, from the mod account,
human disaster
"Hopefully" shut up you know it will francy
holy shipp
i also want to say that anna and yana, yanna, if u will, are banned for making me read the execution post with my own eyes
i am excited for this one personally, when we camae up with it i immediately went IM MODDING THAT ONE so
mango diequiri
we'll see how it goes
please leave the penguin in ikea
m begging you
human disaster
Yeah uh it's weird but there was no erasure post today? Terra was found dead in a parking lot.
human disaster
So odd!
mango diequiri
but the penguin will be lonely :[
holy shipp
who's terra, never heard of him
human disaster
anyway this settled, this is now he full feedback plurk thank
human disaster
i wonder if it could be something sort of how it was last week (i was assuming it was people who posted TLs that had ikea in it, is that accurate...) but maybe have it like
a RNG of anyone who chooses that location by monday night?
human disaster
nah, last week we did a first come first serve?
no the mission was the one
i think she means the mission but-- i get what you mean
i think
no no i mean the cyoa i thought it was chosen by the first people who posted TLs that had ikea in it
human disaster
haha nah
oh ok lmao
in that case then yes just RNG sign ups i'd say
yeah that one it was first come first serve and then after we were like "hm, not everyone is awake or ppl might be at work, we should redo this system"
human disaster
Okay, so a 24 hour window sounds fine to me
human disaster
so let's say when monday mingle goes up to tuesday same day? and then we pp the rng'd
yeah that works!!
holy shipp
yeah we talked it over a bit (we talked about rng signups too) but we figured you guys could let us know what you'd prefer
human disaster
Though do you guys want to sign up in groups?
personally i kind of like the idea that the cyoa is like
another +1 to rng/signups! i'm out of the pool now but like. tbh i did feel kind of bad for grabbing people and going for it that fast but i was like oh if there's 40+ people better go for it...
forced interaction with people you may or may not have cr with
teej don't feel bad i
hit you
Hazard Kitten
yeah, I think randomizing the group would be best for CR purposes
that was on us not you :/
human disaster
what she said
yeah i like randomized groups b/c of forced interaction with people we may not have cr with
I ALWAYS WANT MORE CR but sometimes i'm like "but how do i make this interaction ic"
human disaster
kay, so we can have people sign up individually
mango diequiri
+1 to randomize groups
human disaster
If everyone's okay with those options that's what we'll do for the next one!
hh ♫
YEP i like this!! thanks mods
yeah i am totally okay with that!
but yeah i brought it up in the monday plurk but i hope no one who did the cyoa thought i was resentful, i wasn't even paying attention monday so i would've have signed up anyway lmao
human disaster
Honestly we were too hype on keeping it ~mysterious and exciting~ and not on. how that would work in an ooc setting
we were actually bad at keeping it mysterious and exciting because i am p sure we mentioned cyoas when we were discussing the game before it opened
Hazard Kitten
honestly I didn't even know when sign ups were happening unitl the CYOA post went up
yeah that all happened monday when the mingle happened so like. AGAIN, our bad. we should have accounted for schedules
human disaster
Yeah, I think people missed it in the announcements, which is normal! Anyway we fix now. we fix
human disaster
[puts a bandaid] etc
we'll.... link the signup in the mingle post and also in the top part of the mingle plurk so it doesnt get lost
oh yeah that would definitely help!
i know i also missed it until it was mentioned it went up and the group was decided.
mango diequiri
yeah I think the sign up was only mentioned in the mingle plurk and it got lost basically immediately
mango diequiri
so having notices in the game posts will help a lot
human disaster
yea we'll make sure its on both the page and the plurk next time
vicious mockery
yeah i like rng and randomizing the groups a lot!
yeah that happens. sorry about it!! i'll make sure zia is better at plurking things next time
human disaster
human disaster
what the fuck
tee hee
holy shipp
dw we'll keep zia in line for you <3
ok i need to restart my computer its going very slow i'll be back and. probably not in the mod account
human disaster
anyway any other crit/feedback/comment goes here thanks for the cyoa poll answers
wee pincer
I do have something for you but I gotta get my entire pc set up, so gimme a sec
i think i just wanna know if there's like a chance that investigations are gonna run longer? i literally can't get to them because they basically are during the busy part of my work day
investigations can last basically as long as you guys still tag them/need mod replies
human disaster
Investigations can go as long as y'all want yeah
i have lots of meetings that are geared towards the mornings so we can talk to our counterparts in europe, and then it seems to always be over
why am i still in the mod account-- but yeah
ok i wanted to check on that, because like for me it is best to hit them up when i'm home at like 5:30 pst!
maybe i can do some stuff at lunch, but
mobile \o/
no that's fair. although regarding investigation i do want to apologize that we weren't clear that like, after ppl find everything in an area that people can double back and go recheck stuff out
human disaster
human disaster
We did talk about maybe putting it up earlier if people wanted to investigate more without going to bed at 1am?
i think we assumed you guys would do that because it's a thing that has happened in other murdergames, but we also shouldn't just assume you guys would just do stuff too
so, that's on you
my last murdergames was AL and ukimiya, where once you found all the evidence, that section was done
human disaster
"its your fucking fault", said francy,
mango diequiri
but if you wanted to double back during the trial it wasn't as imperative
holy shipp
we were also like discussing starting investigation earlier to give more people time to get into groups so there's a wider timeframe for you guys to investigate... it's a little trickier to hit all timezones but we're trying to figure out a timeframe that's accessible for as many of you guys as possible
mango diequiri
yeah I had no idea we could hop threads because I've never done a murdergame... so
yeah just, ones that we the mods have been in have done it, bUT AGAIN. we shouldn't just assume everyone would be comfortable with it
yes and that some of you are murder babies
human disaster
Yeah, we've been in murdergames where you can go between places and so just assumed it was a thing
human disaster
human disaster
Francy and I work Friday evenings but the first hour is usually people getting places etc, so we can push it a little back
holy shipp
i'm usually around friday evenings but i had health issues kicking my ass this time around so i wasn't able to be there
yeah! i just wanted to make sure because i am not sure if this is the case or not, but since it's possible to go into a case with either not well-done evidence or not all the evidence... i wanna be able to try and take part in the investigation to head off another coming down to the wire guess... sweats
francy 💘
well, we'll make sure you guys actually find everything, so it won't be a case where there's like missing stuff? as in like if there are items that were dropped etc
francy 💘
we'll always make sure you guys find those even if it's us screaming in the meta text going LOOK OVER HERE
here is my feedback which is a little too lengthy to do reply be reply
wee pincer
Yeah the thread hopping was something I did not realize because the two murdergames I was in were where you go in and then you were done, and maybe that would have been helpful for this one. Especially with photos being our form of evidence!
francy 💘
okay in regard to that that's. actually hard to answer because it would involve going into how the murder went down and since anna/terra didn't give specifics regarding that we personally can't say much
francy 💘
but our thing was basically like... it would vary from case by case still because it's easy for us to do a mod approved visual test. but strength still differs. for example i am of a near identical build with my best friend and mom, and both of them can lift stuff way heavier than i can
francy 💘
which is where that gets tricky?
human disaster
human disaster
the thing with the strength test
human disaster
... people can fake it
mango diequiri
Also supernatural characters...
mango diequiri
Even if they don't have powers... sometimes
human disaster
Like-- using Taako as an example, Taako totally lied about owning black clothing
mango diequiri
Are just built differently
human disaster
this game is part mafia, which means a lot of things are going to be based off of whether you believe a person or not!
holy shipp
the victim's player was also out sick so we weren't able to work out all of the small details
human disaster
But yeah, on tests, we have lists if it's stuff that can't be faked-- sizes, heights, weights, etc
human disaster
something like strength or ability, people can pretend!
Ahh ok, I see - so the reasoning is that you would want to give people a chance to fake
human disaster
since it is a mafia style
ok that's fair!
human disaster
the killer is always going to be in trial, tho
wee pincer
I know this is pushing it, but if you could, leading people away from nonconclusive evidence would be helpful to not have people go in circles over it! Like... What strangled Lion. I will take full responsibility for not being more specific about the photos taken! But this can put a huge amount of responsibility on whoever gets body duty.
sleepy time gal
yeah i think the thing with a lot of these tests is that it's going to really be about... how well the killer lies or how cooperative the killer is with the test
my thinking with the tests is that its more that by the end of the day there had been a lot of the type of test where everyone has to comment and then there's a result
human disaster
oh we didnt mean to make people comment re: hand sizes and stuff like that
like, strength test, strip search, inventory search, black clothing search, new clothing search, hand search
and they all provided helpful info but i wonder if we could streamline that a little
mango diequiri
I think some of this can be alleviated re: evidence now that we can have more characters examine it but yeah the concern isn't so much missing evidence as improperly examined evidence since we can't have it for trial
francy 💘
I'LL GET TO YOU IN A SEC PEAR-- or we will theres multiple of us but like. hmm
like we can just agree to do inventory search + strip search + describe the clothes you're wearing in the same thread from now on
vicious mockery
i actually kind of like the possibility of like
wee pincer
No worries!
francy 💘
yeah that's true
vicious mockery
messing up evidence b/c we didnt look at it properly
vicious mockery
like thats interesting to me
holy shipp
yea i like the idea of streamlining it
human disaster
that was the idea behind the photos, tbh
francy 💘
everyone just lines up and immediately strips
human disaster
and why we did the tutorial the way we did?
yeah me too! i don't really want to lose the element that's like. we could lack info bc we didn't think of something.
hh ♫
yeah i like the challenge of the photos too
human disaster
where you took pictures and then we showed what would be actually helpful
i definitely think its just taking getting used to bc its not how most murdergames have worked
mango diequiri
Yeah! I'm OK with like messing up examination as long as we understand all the mechanics of how we can examine evidence which I think k we now do
I think that explanation my mind a little more. I was really surprised during the moment of the test that we weren't going to get some confirmation of who could lift Clarke, and later on since the solution did hinge on Terra being physically strong to carry Lion up the stepladder
but i like the idea of it a lot
wee pincer
vicious mockery
but streamlining inventory/strip/clothes just to be in the same thread seems like good enough solution to me
but your reasoning as to why you didn't make that list does make sense
vicious mockery
since it gives characters a chance to lie tbh
holy shipp
re: Pear -- do you mean like, in mod tags, gentle indications to examine something further or don't examine?
thanks for listening o/!
human disaster
no prob
francy 💘
but yeah marion that's the thing that we can't talk about because it'll reveal stuff about the murder that terra didn't reveal unf...ortunately
francy 💘
like i have an answer to that but i can't. say it here because it'll hurt the maf
human disaster
but yeah we want characters to be able to lie, since part of the game is about trust
but for an example with this trial: i think the neck thing is an example of something that like, from now on, we'll send more people to examine crime scenes so it won't be an issue. whereas the blood being under the spray paint being something we could have found
yeah that's fair!
human disaster
to me a perfect example of the kind of like fun risk of the investigation
wee pincer
Yeah! Maybe something like that, and you guys did do that for when I got body discovery. I was pretty satisfied with my part of the investigation because it's the usual.
human disaster
Thanks Siz! i cried at inuyasha
we could have found that but we were still able to figure out after the fact that that might have been what happened
the lesson is everyone from now on must lick the blood
human disaster
we just really want someone to lick a body :-(
wee pincer
But I was out and on mobile for the trial and Holy heck I got confused in what we did and didn't know about the cause of death.
lick it you cowards
holy shipp
yeah, lick the blood :/
but yeah i 100% agree that we should preserve the ability for suspects (or non suspects who just don't want to be suspects) to lie
maybe just if people aren't around for the strength test, we can come to a solution where there's some kind of helpful answer that still lets people fake it?
wee pincer
The big worry is people having to think that you have to do what you'd normally do during a trial if it had a corpse, except during an investigation. That's... A lot?
human disaster
uh, andie did that thread so I don't know exactly what was in it, but we went off the photo for what you guys could see? and we didn't have a back photo afaik
francy 💘
this is gonna sound very nitpicky but for that i will suggest doing stuff like saying you flip the body around and stuff which. I KNOW IS VERY NITPICKY, but that's also the kind of actions you would need to explicitly say while examining the body if the body was present in trial. an id on't think pear wrote that flat out which is
francy 💘
why i think
francy 💘
andie didn't give those deets
francy 💘
i assume because she. i dont think she's hear rn
vicious mockery
yeah and like thats the kinda thing i think makes sense as like we're learning in an IC way oh we have to make sure to do this
francy 💘
human disaster
you guys can also-- if you didn't get the chance to explore it all, if you write that you took pictures of the body front, back, etc
human disaster
we do let people examine the pics
human disaster
re: clarke figuring out a probably cause of death etc
vicious mockery
if that makes sense? like it makes sense to me that characters would mess up a little
windborne bard.
My feedback is that the OOC speculating got waaaay lost in the plurk itself and some stuff didn't get touched upon until later on because it was either 1: missed, so some theories floated away or 2: were repeated
windborne bard.
I think if we had more people doing IC wrangling and suspect top levels, it would help.
jowaн тнe andal
i had no idea this feedback post was up until just now
francy 💘
yeah that might help. i also apologize th-- hi ray
ill be honest and say that im w jem here, i had a lot of fun but i was lost on mobile constantly and tbh
windborne bard.
francy 💘
i wasnt last week, like at all
human disaster
Oh, one thing I wanted to mention!!!
i think thats more on us tho
windborne bard.
BUT that's not on you as mods!!!!
windborne bard.
human disaster
Don't be shy to ask question of Max? If he doesn't answer one way, rewording it might let him/me answer
francy 💘
but yeah re: plurk, i want to apologize for that mostly because we were also like... almost all of us mods were either at work or mobile the entire trial so it was hard for us too to. keep an eye on plurk
windborne bard.
I think maybe a nudge in "hey, bring these theories IC!" would be a great way to make us get our asses in gear
francy 💘
also sipp and i were also sick so we. failed at keeping up as much as we would normally
yeah i mean tbh i mentioned this at the time but i kind of needed the plurk speculation
windborne bard.
I know I failed at doing the timeline that Makoto suggested
windborne bard.
windborne bard.
i got lost
windborne bard.
in ikea??
human disaster
human disaster
bc i'd already done a bunch of top levels and it's also not always ic to jump in
fallen star 🌙
I was getting really confused by the OOC speculation in general because it blurred the IC/OOC line too much for me, so I just ignored plurk and tried to follow the post.. most murdergames I've been in have tried to discourage too much OOC player conversation
windborne bard.
^ i think thats kind of nailing it a bit more.
human disaster
Yeah, the plurk i think was cause francy & i were at work, sipp and francy were sick and andie missed part of the trial, so we couldn't really corral