Luke Skywanker
Home sick. Full of snot and can't talk, so I figured that was a good call. How are you?
Luke Skywanker
Yeah, my voice is a croak
oh no
Luke Skywanker
I think I sound worse than I am? It's just a cold. But Robin is done being sick and I don't want her to get it. And it sounds exhausting, being at work and having to keep telling people I can't talk.
Going to work with no voice is pretty exhausting, seriously. I had to tape a post-it to my arm and show it to people when they tried to talk to me.
Hope you feel better soon, though.
Luke Skywanker
Thanks, love
Man, that cold that's going around is BRUTAL. My sympathies.
So far today, I've gone through Frankenstein and Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy with students; going forward, I've got a student who's studying how Australia treated the Aboriginal people, then another who's studying the Cold War, and a third who's reading the book "I Am Number Four." And I'm organizing some online RP at the same time.
So that's my day.
Luke Skywanker
Wow, dude. That's a lot!
Well, I also have an absent student. Normally, I'd also be doing Good Omens today. Wednesday, I have 8 classes back to back!
Luke Skywanker
sounds fun, actually
It's fun. It's also exhausting. I love it, though.
Luke Skywanker
it shows