I read this story earlier today
Actor Anthony Rapp: Kevin Spacey Made A Sexual Advan...
Which made this story really piss me off.

Actor Kevin Spacey declares he lives life as a gay man
Spacey tweeted this & correctly assumed that the media would lead with his coming out rather than his response to Rapp's allegation.
So the headlines are Spacey is gay, not Spacey is accused of taking advantage of a 14 year old boy. Worse, instead of addressing the real issue, an adult man making a pass at a child, he makes it about being gay.
Pedophilia is not about whether he is gay. That he protects himself by feeding the "gay child molester" stereotype infuriates me and that the media follows that deflection to make gayness the story is so fucking homophobic.
And yes, Kevin Spacey can be bi and a homophobe.
From his description, he's bi, so he thinks he is choosing when it's just natural orientation. It's not a choice for gays and lesbians
and really, being bi isn't a choice either. Bi folks are just naturally bi, but it does lead to the feeling of choosing for some
I am really pissed about the gay predator thing, though.
he sounds more bi, and at this time, he is with a man and not a woman. not sure that makes him gay, unless the relationships with women were not genuine. I don't know
however, the point is that he made advances to a 14 year old child
let's hope it was one time, and he was drunk, and that it is not a pattern. I think if it was a pattern though- it will come out. Cause everything is coming out right now.
Party Wheel
I was working with an actor the other week who told me Kevin Spacey liked young men. We laughed and his creative enabler (he’s autistic) said that was why Jules wasn’t allowed Twitter
Party Wheel
Now I think about it, Jules doesn’t have the capacity to lie so it must have been quite a well known ‘secret’
That whole apology is wank.
"But IF I did behave then as he describes" = casting doubt on it
"Drunken behavior" = Everyone gets drunk guys, it's cool. I'm a nice guy.
Don't even get me started on the gay thing. What a cunt he is.
If 'I was drunk' doesn't get you off the hook for a traffic infraction, why should it excuse a sexual assault? "Not to worry! I only rape children when I have had a few drinks"
So glad Netflix pulled his show!
It sounded more like he chose to come out and stop acting like he was straight? He mentions relationships with women, but not in the same way as he mentions relationships with men - anyway, as a bi woman, I didn't become magically straight just because I'm with a man.
But either way, sexual relationships with children is a whole other thing.
Oh sure, I agree - and its even worse when you use coming out as a way to deflect the attention away from immoral behavior.
It reflects badly on the community, as I'm sure he's well aware. Fucker.
Fearyfox(Reyn) : He came out because Anthony Rapp accused him of attempting to be with him sexually when Rapp was 14 years old. He came out as gay in his apology to Rapp. He did not choose to come out for any reason but deflecting from the allegation of child molesting.
I am well aware, hense the 'coming out to deflect attention from immoral behavior' trying to have sex with a young teen is immoral.