Make America Hate Again: Trump-Era Horror and the Politics of Fear explores the intersection of film, politics, and American culture and society through a bold critical analysis of popular horror films/TV produced in the Trump era,
such as Green Room (2015); The Witch (2015); Don’t Breathe (2016); The Purge: Election Year (2016); American Gods (2017); American Horror Story (2017); Get Out (2017); and The Handmaid’s Tale (2017).
This collection of essays will explore how popular horror scrutinises and unravels the events, anxieties, discourses, dogmas and socio-political conflicts of the Trump years.
A killer priest is on the rampage across London and an egotistical Hollywood action movie star is out for revenge when his precious comic book collection is stolen. Meanwhile, gangster Marty Cook's dreams of going legit swiftly turn pear shaped when one of his bouncers accidentally kills one of his salsa club's regular customers.
"the many-faceted development of crime fiction during the twentieth century--its shifting protagonists and the fears that drive them, the kinds of crimes investigated or perpetrated, and some of the more significant variations in style, structure and dominant themes"
You can't change the world But you can change the facts And when you change the facts You change points of view If you change points of view You may change a vote And when you change a vote You may change the world
"In much twentieth and twenty--first century crime writing, the protagonist has been a criminal rather than an investigator, and these variations in fact reach back to the parent traditions of crime fiction, before the figure of the detective became so central
--for example, to the criminal exploits catalogued in The Newgate Calendar , the transgressor - centered novels of Defoe and the Gothic fiction that emerged at the end of the eighteenth century.
The trauma of a war--torn landscape is a great distance from the secluded confines of an English country house, and the formal closure of the narrative seems a guarantee of security, but there is much that makes the apparent calm illusory."
"Your's so dirty," I whisper, as if to him in the dark, as if to myself. "How do you live in it?" I hear him laugh softly to himself, and in that laugh are things that are tender and things that are harder, meaner, truer. It is both at once. Always both at once. Die A Little by Megan Abbott
"Man comes into the world a blind, groping mite. He knows hunger and the fear of noise and of falling. His life is spent in flight." 這也太美了吧!我看過改編的電影,但沒看過原著小說。 Nightmare Alley by William Lindsay Gresham
The slippage between investigative and criminal - centered narratives in Thompson and Harris suggests both the difficulty of neatly categorizing the forms of crime fiction and the extent to which the representation of and fascination with transgression perpetually surface to disrupt the reassuring structures of detective fiction.
"The murderous protagonists in these works 'mimic'– and thereby expose – a morally bankrupt society", and the fictions themselves fulfill the roles of moral and social critique in very complex ways, with psychopathic killers replacing detectives "as agents of revelation in a world where redemption no longer seems possible".
As a generic term, detective fiction refers to a narrative whose principal action concerns the attempt by an investigator to solve a crime and to bring a criminal to justice. It poses two questions for readers: “ Whodunit? ” and “ Who is guilty? ” 哇照這個定義我這個讀者全然不合格XDDDD
In the Green Machine there is no mercy; we make mercy, manufacture it in parts that have overgrown our basic reptile brain. There is no murder. We make murder, and it matters only to us.
Hilfer ’ s argument is that crime fiction genre defines itself in opposition to detective fiction by violating the basic laws of its predecessor. The dominance of plot gives way to a focus on character and psychology, while social and moral norms are engulfed by deviance.
Malmgren (2001) links these changes to postmodern culture ’ s questioning of justice, identity, and representation, notions that are shown to be relative and unstable.
Several of the major studies of detective and crime fiction published in recent years have built on these insights and have added substantially to the understanding of crime narratives that marginalize the figure of the detective or in which the investigative element disappears altogether. 嗯,我的研究入門是偵探小說和後現代小說。教我的研究方法的兩位教授喜好都偏後現代文學。
"I was in the Commandos, bud. They don't take you if you're just a piece of fluff. I got badly hurt and it wasn't any fun with those Nazi doctors. It did something to me."
"I know all that, Terry. You're a very sweet guy in a lot of ways. I'm not judging you. I never did. It's just that you're not here any more. You're long gone. You've got nice clothes and perfume and you're as elegant as a fifty-dollar whore."
"That's just an act," he said almost desperately. "You get a kick out of it, don't you?" His mouth dropped in a sour smile. He shrugged an expressive energetic Latin shrug. "Of course. An act is all there is. There isn't anything else. In here-" he tapped his chest with the lighter-"there isn't anything. I've had it, Marlowe. I had it long ago."
“If I was going to be a woman, I would want to be as beautiful as possible. And they said to me, ‘Uh, that’s as beautiful as we can get you.’ And I went home and started crying, talking to my wife, and I said, ‘I have to make this picture.’ And she said, ‘Why?’
And I said, ‘Because I think I’m an interesting woman when I look at myself on screen, and I know that if I met myself at a party, I would never talk to that character because she doesn’t fulfill, physically, the demands that we’re brought up to think that women have to have in order for us to ask them out.’
She says, ‘What are you saying?’ and I said, ‘There’s too many interesting women I have not had the experience to know in this life because I have been brainwashed.’That was never a comedy for me."
I have no power to change you or explain your ways Never believe a man can change a woman Those men are pretenders who think that they created woman from one of their ribs
Woman does not emerge from a man's rib's, not ever, it's he who emerges from her womb like a fish rising from depths of water and like streams that branch away from a river It's he who circles the sun of her eyes and imagines he is fixed in place
The Demolished Man (1951) The Stars My Destination [aka Tiger! Tiger!] (1956) The Dreaming Jewels (aka The Synthetic Man) (1953) More Than Human (1953)
Compulsive Killers: The Story of Modern Multiple Murder [Elliott Leyton, 1986] Serial Killers [Joel Norris, 1988] The Lust to Kill: Feminist Investigation of Sexual Murder [Deborah Cameron, Elizabeth Frazer, 1987] Seductions Of Crime: Moral And Sensual Attractions In Doing Evil [Jack Katz, 1988]
American critics have related the hard - boiled detective's moral values to the violent frontier code of conduct prizing self - reliance, individualism, and resilient maleness.
Questions of Genre
出現了聊Mr. Robot的專書。不過書評反應好像普普。
Martin Scorsese Teaches Filmmaking
Female serial killers in the United States: means, motives, and makings
學者R. F.Stewart推測detective fiction這個詞應該誕生於1886年十二月的Saturday Review。
But you can change the facts
And when you change the facts
You change points of view
If you change points of view
You may change a vote
And when you change a vote
You may change the world
I hear him laugh softly to himself, and in that laugh are things that are tender and things that are harder, meaner, truer. It is both at once. Always both at once.
Die A Little by Megan Abbott
Nightmare Alley by William Lindsay Gresham
這個時間點出這本真的......不是很好。(嘆氣) 然後我想吐嘈文案啊。OTZ
"You get a kick out of it, don't you?"
His mouth dropped in a sour smile. He shrugged an expressive energetic Latin shrug.
"Of course. An act is all there is. There isn't anything else. In here-" he tapped his chest with the lighter-"there isn't anything. I've had it, Marlowe. I had it long ago."
Feminist Perspectives on Reproduction and the Family
From Klein to Kristeva: Psychoanalytic Feminism and the Search for the "Good Enough" Mother
or explain your ways
Never believe a man can change a woman
Those men are pretenders
who think
that they created woman
from one of their ribs
it's he who emerges from her womb
like a fish rising from depths of water
and like streams that branch away from a river
It's he who circles the sun of her eyes
and imagines he is fixed in place
The Stars My Destination [aka Tiger! Tiger!] (1956)
The Dreaming Jewels (aka The Synthetic Man) (1953)
More Than Human (1953)
Serial Killers [Joel Norris, 1988]
The Lust to Kill: Feminist Investigation of Sexual Murder [Deborah Cameron, Elizabeth Frazer, 1987]
Seductions Of Crime: Moral And Sensual Attractions In Doing Evil [Jack Katz, 1988]
Managing Media Work
Contemporary Hollywood Cinema
Making Media Work: Cultures of Management in the Entertainment Industries
1978-1987 (Plurk Paste)