tea’s gone cold
tea’s gone cold
yet another unrealistic body standard from the fashion industry
Lady Stardust
but why
Lady Stardust
why would anyone
coochie scarf
slenderman's gone casual, i see.
tea’s gone cold
Nancy Crawfish
oh god that would be the most irritating thing on the planet to wear
Nancy Crawfish
constantly falling over your hands
tea’s gone cold
squid looks
tea’s gone cold
i know the site says you can wear the sleeves rolled up but 1) it looks shit; 2) having that much tightly sprung denim in one place would turn your arms into https://i.imgur.com/WoMnaHC.gif
yeah I was looking at the other pictures for it like, maybe there's a way you can wear it that looks good??? but no, no there isn't. even rolled up, it's an ugly mess.
an ugly impractical mess
coochie scarf
that's how you know it's high fashion.
Nancy Crawfish
I dare somebody to eat a bowl of soup wearing that
you can't even roll it up very far. you can scrunch it, sure, but it'll constantly slide down your arms and make your life hell
the cuff slit at the wrists only goes a couple inches, which limits what you can do with them
it has the "I'm so rich I don't even have to use my hands or arms" thing going on
miri desu
for the person in your life who always dreamed of being one of the inflatable wiggly guys outside American car dealer ships
^ I bet you that's a kink somewhere