黨內造反加逼退 梅伊首相想邀請工黨幫助制定政策 - 衛報政治版 - 衛報頭版頭條
Theresa May to invite Labour to help create policy a...
笑翻wwww 為了保權位,只好跟外部敵人合作這樣是吧。老媽說真不要臉www
- 保守黨高層:就讓她過完這個夏天吧
Let Theresa May stay at No 10 for the summer, top To...
- 梅伊:我不後悔提前大選
Theresa May claims she has 'no regrets' about callin...
- 唐寧街有個活死人
There’s a member of the living dead walking Downing ...
- BBC以「政治魯蛇」稱呼梅伊
BBC Calls Theresa May "Political LOSER!" Surprising ...
‘Even May’s attempts to convey continuity and stabil...
英國大選2017 政治輸家 要求下台負責 行屍走肉 內鬨
How would the Tories trigger a leadership contest against Theresa...

15% of Conservative MPs would need to back a no confidence vote in the PM or she would have to resign to trigger a contest
Election 2017: May appeals to MPs for support as her future hangs...

Prime minister expected to signal at 1922 committee meeting that she will run government in a less controlling way, after carrying out modest reshuffle
Theresa May buys time with apology to Tory MPs over election ‘mes...

Beleaguered PM is ‘contrite and genuine’ in crunch meeting with 1922 Committee, promising to build consensus on Brexit
Michael Gove appointed environment secretary in cabinet reshuffle

Former justice secretary who was sacked by Theresa May last year returns to government as Andrea Leadsom and Damian Green take on new roles

Michael Gove 'surprised' and 'delighted' by cabinet ...
Remember, kids: only the strong and stable Tories can fix this me...

Just like Gwyneth Paltrow, the party of government seems beset by crises. But at least Michael Gove’s back

‘Even May’s attempts to convey continuity and stabil...
Theresa May: safe for now, but credibility damaged beyond repair

There are stories of an imminent leadership challenge, but senior Tories have dismissed the notion, and there is no obvious successor
Tory MPs urge loyalty after suggestion Theresa May has 10 days to...

Suggestion that the prime minister will step down soon dismissed by ministers as potential rivals lie low
Boris Johnson for PM? David ‘bra size’ Davis? Or the Fox? Place y...
Is Britain trapped in a never-ending Conservative leadership race, or could it all turn out to be a bad dream?
‘We are now staring down the barrel of another summe...
Dear @theresa_may, you asked for ideas so I've sent you our manifesto. I hope it helps to “clarify and improve” your policies #ForTheMany
https://i.imgur.com/sQ2HSZY.jpg https://i.imgur.com/9Dz4pCp.jpg
via Jeremy Corbyn on Twitter
"妳要的寶藏都在這邊了,拿去看吧!" wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
Maybot's 'little tear' interview: a masterclass in...
The administrators had installed an empathy function, but it crashed on conflict with the PM’s default settings

#作業系統 #重開機

還真是讓人意外啊(?) = =

Tory members turn to David Davis in battle to succeed Theresa May

Brexit chief is ahead in a party survey but the search is on for a surprise candidate

隨著後脫歐的自由遷徙 內閣內鬥越來越緊張 - 衛報頭版頭條

Tensions flare in cabinet over post-Brexit free movement

Divisions laid bare as Liam Fox reveals there is no cabinet-wide agreement on what a transitional implementation period should look like

安博魯德可能會成為首相人選?! 別鬧啦!!! 媲美希特勒的傢伙耶
Boris Johnson and Vince Cable trade barbs over resignation rumour...

Foreign secretary’s office responds firmly to Liberal Democrat leader’s jibes about reports of disharmony in the Conservative cabinet

#鮑里斯強森 #自民黨 #自由民主黨 #文斯基堡
Revealed: Theresa May's secret bid to get Labour to ...
Senior Tories press ‘national interest’ case for supporting PM to avoid no-deal outcome.

爭取工黨支持 國家利益 避免無協議脫歐