Fuchsia Fox
Sun, Mar 26, 2017 4:46 AM
Can I Has Love, Pwease?
/pokes nose in here, even though she should be asleep...
Anyone good at plurk emotes? Because I've tried and failed to turn this pic into one... >.>
Fuchsia Fox
Sun, Mar 26, 2017 7:41 PM
/boops this
And still can't get it to work... @@ Urg. I
trying to do this stuff on a touch pad. How is it
hard to make an emote?
Anyone good at plurk emotes? Because I've tried and failed to turn this pic into one... >.>
And still can't get it to work... @@ Urg. I hate trying to do this stuff on a touch pad. How is it this hard to make an emote?