
Fuchsia Fox
The Apple Gaming Console*Snerks and leaves this here without comment.
Fuchsia Fox
[Dragon Puppet Progress]Good grief. It's hard to take good pics of this thing.
Fuchsia Fox
Playing Stardew Valley for the first time again in a while... immediately loads up 260 mods onto it...
Fuchsia Fox
[House Flipper] I just realized not everyone knows this... If you want to save money on paint buy the white paint and load your roller with it first, then touch it to a small can of the color paint.
Fuchsia Fox
[RL/RP] Damn it. Of course I'm sick and stuck in bed away from the computer. I have tags to do, but the phone won't let me log in to dw... great./sigh
Fuchsia Fox
[House Flipper] Omg. I forgot just how some of these jobs sound like they come from assholes.
Fuchsia Fox
[HouseFlipper] Decided to play it again...
Fuchsia Fox
[Crafts/puppet making/art] So now that I have the space, I've started working on the snake/dragon arm puppet that I've always wanted to make...This is going to be a progress dump plurk.
Fuchsia Fox
Fuchsia Fox
[Adventures in cooking]Happy Holidays everyone.I made waffles out of stuffing to go with my chicken.
Fuchsia Fox
He's Always Watching You! - Cursed Christmas Art Gif...Leaves this here without comment.
Fuchsia Fox
[Pokemon] Is wonder trade Wednesday still a thing? I'm currently an idiot shiny hunting pokemon and have like... 4 boxes of eevee so far
Fuchsia Fox
[Now a Pkmn breeding catch all] Bought a used copy of pokemon violet... currently hoarding eevee eggs in an attempt at a shiny...
Fuchsia Fox
[Adventures in cooking] So, made ginger cookies last night and borscht today.
Fuchsia Fox
Mmmm... to bake a cake or buy a cake, that is the question today...
Fuchsia Fox
I built a Transformer in 23 days (Elita-1)O.O[It's an 'I'm alive plurk' while I'm waiting for my internet to be hooked up next week. @@]
Fuchsia Fox
Sock doughnut of shame....
Fuchsia Fox
[RL] Yes!! Wheelchair apartment got and confirmed!! Paperwork in hand!
Fuchsia Fox
[RL/Mute] Looks like I have to deal with a lawyer to get out of my current place... of all the fucking bullshit... Sorry I've got nothing fun to plurk about lately.
Fuchsia Fox
[RL] Good news, got a wheelchair apartment approved.Bad news, current landlord is being a fucking shit head and giving me hell about leaving.Worse news, there is no more assistance for disabled people moving and I need to sort out where the hell I'm getting 2000 bucks to move...
Fuchsia Fox
Okay, this is cool. NGL there are so many new things I learned that didn't know about old animation from this.Hybrid animation is NOT "The Spider-Verse Style"
Fuchsia Fox
[RP] /shakes off the dust from DW Rp...So, three legged Vulpix on the Tiny meme because idk I needed to do something.
Fuchsia Fox
Okay, anyone have recommendations for end of the world/zombie/horror type media? I'm working on a fic and I need places for the MC to end up.