Stolen from FB:
Shiloh x Debbi
as a writer, I would have never guessed the park rangers either, but they make an awesome set of protagonists
Tillor Swift
The one thing I know about park rangers from the couple I've known is that they're seriously passionate about what they do
It makes more practical sense, I think.
As if there wasn't already enough reasons to love and cherish the National Parks.
But they also know Trump intends to open the National Parks and National Forests to be raped and pillaged by corporations. They are ready to fight.
Tillor Swift
I'm picturing them riding into battle riding bears like war steeds lol
Tillor Swift : can they have trained attack wolves too?
Tillor Swift
Of course! And mountain lions!
now we need to train up the songbird division for strafing runs ... flap flap flap flap splat
Only You can prevent batshit crazy politicians from gutting the National Parks
Trump is almost never outdoors except on manicure golf courses, the National Parks probably give him nightmares
I love this so much