Darth Imperious
And the lights just got to flicker at the six-month party. (Not the fault of anyone actually at the party.)
Darth Imperious
(Yes, I know I'm plurking a lot right now. Shh.)
Darth Imperious
Good job, Alec.
Squad Mom
Squad Mom
At least he didn't say HOW they take the angel out of them
Darth Imperious
wanderlustlover If Jo wants to twitch in Gabriel's general direction.
Darth Imperious
Yes, please don't. The lightbulbs being exploded once in a twenty-four hour period is quite enough.
Squad Mom
The fun of dealing with Nephilim teenagers
Darth Imperious
Spellcheck kept trying to insist I wanted 'gentiles' instead of the word I actually wanted. I was like 'no, whether someone is a non-Jew is not at issue here'.
Ainsley ☄
oh dear. spellcheck pls