How about English schools? Should we ban them? Nah, but seriously, before anyone say I'm "50 cents", I don't support such a stupid act to force the students to learn simplified Chinese as well
What I'm trying to say is just please, before anyone accuse this as "following China Communist Party's rules", why should HK oppose everything that makes it easier to get along with mainland people?
And also, the reason for us to study English in schools was because we were UK's colony. Should we oppose the idea of English schools as well? We don't speak English as first language, too.
Unless you're saying we're not Chinese, which I think quite a few people here would say so, we should not be learning Mandarin as well. But regardless of your belief, HK is still a SAR under China. PRC HKSAR.
I just don't see the point of criticizing the government for doing something that helps people to get along with mainland as long as it's not forcing HK to be a part of mainland China?
My belief would be that's a waste of time to teach students simplified Chinese, more like we should keep traditional Chinese and let other Chinese see that it should be what we should all learn.
We should know how to read, and know how to speak in Mandarin, but we should also show them Cantonese is more traditional and should be kept, as well as traditional Chinese.
P.S. If anyone really need me to write in Chinese... Sorry dude, I don't want to spend like 10x time to rewrite something. I'm no forcing you to write in English as well so feel free to ignore me.
Why shouldn't they get along with us then other way around? And the reason we "shall" learn English is because it is THE trade language on planet Earth for this century.
"Shall" we learn mandarin and so-called "simplified Chinese"? Sure, just becomes the MOST technologically and culturally advanced benevolent country and people will learn it, forced or not.
Because we're not the most superior people in the world? Chinese people ARE humans, too? Just because it's trending shall we all be forced to learn English?
I mean, what's wrong in forcing us learning Mandarin, if English is not a problem. Remember, HK is just a SAR, not a country. We are forced to learn these, but not forced to use it out of the classes.
Since HK is under China, as long as no one forces us to be a part of MAINLAND, I don't see the problem on telling people to learn the country's official language. Again, no one forces us to use Mandarin.
Ya, the Chinese are human and people in Hong Kong are definitely not, no? What kind of logic is that? JUST because they are human suddenly all the suppression are justified?
Well, if you have to think so, I can't continue to argue with you. But then I don't find it as a suppression. And in HK's history, pretty sure we have to learn English because we're under UK. So... shrug
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這麼難看懂 學中文還真累 真要講求字體簡潔 還不如都學英文就好
Nah, but seriously, before anyone say I'm "50 cents", I don't support such a stupid act to force the students to learn simplified Chinese as well