According to this app I have an how much I weight I need to drink like 3750ml of water daily
Bangered Mash
I have a water tracking app too, it's odd how much I was drinking anyway. Once you figure that most glasses are pretty big it's only a handful per day.
Bangered Mash
: how much do you have daily?
once i get into the habit, it's really easy to drink a lot of water. i just have a glass next to my desk and refill it- i don't track how much, i just refill it pretty constantly!
Bangered Mash
I always fall short, but I've spent many years being pretty dehydrated. I find 2 litres per day fairly easy to hit just by recording my natural habits. If I drink when I'm thirsty I can get to about 3-3.5
RoseBun Foofoo
I could drink 5 bottles a day now normally and my family hates me Cuz I take all the bottles of water
Persey: I'm suepr dehydrated and I have constant headaches
RoseBun Foofoo
: omg like 2 litres ? you go gurl
: I need to pick it up I am super dehydrated
Persey: I have been picking up dry food so I am trying to incorporate more soup into my diet
: i spend a lot of time at my desk, so i just always have it there, makes it easy. when it's empty, i go refill it, never underestimate convenience!
Persey: I love turmeric
Persey: indeed
: Since I'm gonna quit my job I will also spend a lot of time on my personal desk and I think it's time to fix some stuff