Fuchsia Fox
[RL] I have a new roommate...
Also marks all read
Fuchsia Fox
Not the best picture... but... XD
Fuchsia Fox
He needs a name though... Anyone have ideas?
Awww! Fishy!
albert fish
do not look that name up
Fuchsia Fox
Lunnaei : Yus! I needed some company here.
Fuchsia Fox
Fuchsia Fox
squid : >.> /tempted to... but won't
Fuchsia Fox
And one of the housemates suggested Sapphire... @@
Fuchsia Fox
This is going to be a toughie...
Fuchsia Fox
Hey, CricketMomJenn lookie XD Got any hints? >.> I have no clue what I'm doing... Well, ok, enough of an idea that he won't keel over... still... :-P
The old LJ community bettas is a pretty good place to start. And there's a lot of info online. Just remember to get him silk plants!
They like to be able to lay down and hide.
Fuchsia Fox
Heh... um... @.@ I got him a huge tank... with real plants. He's only in the Betta box for a few days while the tank settles. XD
Fuchsia Fox
/spoils that fishie
Oh, then that works well!
Just make sure to keep him entertained and interact with him. They're very social with their owners
Fuchsia Fox
That's the plan. I wanted a pet, not a decoration. Tonight is the only night that he's going to be alone for a long time too... I hate moving... >.>
:3 That's good to hear. They're fun if you play with them and get their personalities going
Fuchsia Fox
I'm going to invest in some toys for tricks... XD A ball and maybe a little hoop. I figured I'd give him a night of calm to destress... He was perking up by the time I left to pack here, but he looked rather
Fuchsia Fox
lethargic when I got him set up in the tank at first.
Yeah, they don't do well with sudden change at first. Mine got pretty used to water changes after a while.
Fuchsia Fox
Hopefully mine won't have to deal with too many changes. Once the big tank is ready it should only need partial water changes. There's a nice filter in it :3
Fuchsia Fox
I'll post pictures once things are set up. XD
Yeah, there is a benefit to having a big tank! They are crappy swimmers, so you will need to break up the flow of the filter so he doesn't get stressed out.
Fuchsia Fox
I was planning on a few good sized rocks for that... I haven't turned it on yet though. Tonight was getting the plants in the substrate and letting all that settle.
XD I'm not sure what advice I could give you, since it looks like you've done you're research.
Fuchsia Fox
It's good to hear that I have the right research from someone I know though. :3
Ohhh, those betta leaves--I might take the leaf out eventually, pull it out of the suction cup to dry, and then when they're dry, seal them together permanently with aquarium sealant (silicone).
The design of those were made by someone who didn't understand that metal + water = rust, and the very end of the stem has a small amount of metal exposed.
It takes time to happen, so you don't have to remedy it until after you've moved him into the other tank.
Fuchsia Fox
Actually, this one has no wire, it's solid plastic :-D
What brand is it?
XD There's one that looks like solid plastic but actually isn't. But maybe they fixed it in newer versions?
Fuchsia Fox
There are a couple of different makers for those leaves. The pet store by me has someone that checks for things like that. >.> I'll have to tell you tomorrow, bc I'm not at the place atm.
Haha, hmm.
Zoo Med is the one that has the wire surrounded by plastic. So if you're careful not to pierce the plastic, you're fine.
But you can also seal it with aquarium sealant at worst.
Fuchsia Fox
I'd say maybe it was fixed? Then again I'm in Canada... so different supplier?
No idea.
But yeah, I think it hasn't been fixed yet, but people understand how to avoid the issue.
Fuchsia Fox
I don't think it was by zoo med though
Yeah, let me know tomorrow and I can do some research?
Fuchsia Fox
Sure. I'm pretty sure it's wire free because it has no bend to it.
Yeah, I'm seeing there's more manufacturers than I remember for it.
Looking around on Google, I think I spotted three.
So yeah, I can see it being wire-free if it's not that one. Obviously I can't tell from the picture itself. XD;
Fuchsia Fox
I think it was this one
Yeah, that one I can only find one review of that is useless. XD;
Fuchsia Fox
pretty much. >.<;