ugly androgyne
[Work] Lance Works With Idiots Theater: Let Me Tell You About Raisins
ugly androgyne
I work with a girl named Stephanie. She seems pretty with it generally, maybe only a few years younger than me.
ugly androgyne
So I'm on headset, and it's mid-afternoon, but everyone apparently wants milkshakes and frappes when it's 30F out, so I ask her to do me a favor and make a Fruit and Maple oatmeal without the fruit in it
ugly androgyne
per customer request
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Steph: What about the raisins?
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Me: They're fruit too! Well they used to be.
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Steph: What did they used to be? /totally oblivious
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Me: ...Grapes?
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Steph: Really!?
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Me: /Mental filter disengage, stop filling McFlurry cup, turn to runner/ Am I really having this conversation right now?
ugly androgyne
We had a good giggle, and she took it well, though. So it was fun XD
ugly androgyne
Her poor mind was blown because she likes grapes but hates raisins.
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ugly androgyne
she tried raisins soaked in wine?
ugly androgyne
I don't think so but that sounds awesome
ugly androgyne
.... craving for cinnamon covered raisins now