Starry Eyed
in prep for grad school I'll be killing some of my internet distractions, I'm afraid this means the Plurk must go.
Starry Eyed
I'm debating the Tumblr. On the one hand I waste a lot of time there, on the other I often find it very inspirational.
Starry Eyed
I'm afraid the Facebook must stay (ugh) but because it's my only contact with one of my dearest friends who is living abroad.
Starry Eyed
Almost everyone on here is friends with me on SL. Those that aren't, I"ll friend before I get rid of this account :-)
Starry Eyed
Ohh! I can't believe I haven't before this :-)
Starry Eyed
S'not like I met you IRL or something....
Stereo Nacht
Aw! But do what you need to, and good luck!
Good luck, friend meeeeeee! :-)
:-( What needs doing needs doing, I guess.
Ceejay Writer
A couple times a year, I downsize my online footprint. It tends to splay out when I'm not looking. I understand!
Ceejay Writer
I'm also on FB, reluctantly, as it's the only place my family ever shares any iota of news.
Ceejay Writer
I would have no idea I had a grand-niece, or another on the way otherwise. glowers at family
Ceejay Writer
IF you wanna friend my RL name there, tis cool! If not, tis cool!
Magda K
I never see you on SL. :-( But you must do what you must do. Take care and I hope grad school treats you well. (cozy)