Horrible Goose
Ooh, yay. 56000 bill. Because my surgery doesn't match my gender.
Horrible Goose
I'm on what feels like an endless hold
Horrible Goose
Over 20 people ahead of me. Second call today because I need the date of service
Horrible Goose
That's what I said. Followed by the fuck.
Horrible Goose
That's an insurmountable amoubt
Like that’s a whole car....or what I owe in student loans...
I hope they get their shit together, wtf
ꜱᴘʀɪɴɢ ɪᴛ ᴏɴ; 🌷
Water Friend
King of Games
Horrible Goose
I hate this so much. Hours on hold, stupid system
King of Games
that's more than my parents paid for their brand new car. that's so much money...
Horrible Goose
It's an obscene amount of cash
Horrible Goose
I need to tell them I'm trans, and that's why it doesn't match
w h a t
Horrible Goose
It's horrid. I can't pay that.
how is that even a code reason to deny coverage. even if trans people didn't exist, intersex people do
and cis men can get breast cancer. like. ???????
Horrible Goose
I don't even know, it's so stupid
Horrible Goose
I shouldn't have to do this. It should have just been paid out.
you absolutely shouldn't. what the fuck
Horrible Goose
I have to give up on the call for today. The kids have therapy and I've been on over an hour on this particular call
jesus christ
Horrible Goose
Gonna try again tomorrow
anywhere with hold times over 20 minutes should be legally required to give a callback option
ꜱᴘʀɪɴɢ ɪᴛ ᴏɴ; 🌷
ugh this is fucking ridiculous, honey, I'm so sorry 😔
What the fuck
Horrible Goose
What the fuck indeed
Horrible Goose
It's a shitshow
what the chicken fried fuck
Horrible Goose
Back to being on hold for hours while I try to talk to a human about this. I hate having to admit I'm trans to strangers.
Horrible Goose
40 minutes on hold already today
Horrible Goose
Horrible Goose
2 hours. Holy shit.
I’m screaming on your behalf
Horrible Goose
3 hours 30 minutes in, and I get a person who has no clue what they're doing at all
Horrible Goose
Back on hold
Horrible Goose
No one knows how to fix this.
Horrible Goose
I have to go back on hold with family services, which was the three hour plus hold
Horrible Goose
I'm going to have to give up for a while. My battery is almost dead
Horrible Goose
So I plugged it in, made six more calls. Looks like I need a cardcopy of the bill, to mail in and dispute it
Horrible Goose
I'm still on hold
Horrible Goose
They say it'll take 30 days to bill me personally
Horrible Goose
I'm so done with this bullshit
What the shit
Horrible Goose
I know, right? Fucking ridiculous.