Sigyn Silica
Just so y'all know, autism isn't just uwu cutesy I Don't Know How To Socialize
it's also poor fine motor skills leading to messy drinking and eating
it's also my face feeling like it's rotting if I'm in public for too long bc even if I'm not masking I'm hyper-aware of the muscles in my face if I know someone perceives me and that leads to bone-deep fatigue
Sigyn Silica
it's also gross stims like yanking out my eyelashes and picking scabs and biting the skin off my lips like some sort of void-faced wendigo
it's also making good and clean habits almost impossible to even approach. For me, for the longest time, brushing my teeth was not part of my mind's Routine so I just Didn't
Sigyn Silica
These are all personal examples that I personally experience that you couldn't know unless you've interacted with me in person
I have low support needs autism and my autism is still not cutesy or aesthetic
I have the Setting Off Creep Alarms autism to pretty much everybody
Sigyn Silica
Autism, for me, is for the most part an enjoyable disability to have, but it is first and foremost a disability
Sigyn Silica
People try to make us more palatable and portray us like we're misunderstood geniuses or that we somehow fit into polite society
some of us can. But that is despite our autism. Autism has no place in respectability. The only place it seems to have is when autistic people can successfully pretend not to be autistic
Sigyn Silica
and furthermore
one more thing before I sleep
People saying Neurodivergent when they just mean ADHD/Autism
pet peeve
those are just the more socially acceptable ones
I've seen ppl say "Neurodivergent" Abt ADHD and then turn around call someone a Schizo
Sigyn Silica
Delusions are a Neurodivergent trait
Paranoia is a Neurodivergent trait
Dissociation is a Neurodivergent trait
Hallucinations, flashbacks, brain fog, cognitive inhibitions, seizures, compulsions, dark intrusive thoughts about causing harm to others, low/no empathy, confusion and disorientation, memory issues, poor hygiene, the list goes on and on
Sigyn Silica
Those ppl just want to commercialize and commodify disability without recognizing it for what it is
They're all for Neurospicy babes until they're Schizophrenic
until they're Bipolar
until they're a Narcissist or Psychopath or they've got multiple personalities or what have you
"Oh Neurodivergent ppl are actually really smart"
n o
not all of us are
Sigyn Silica
Not all of us can be and if your love for Neurodivergent ppl ends when the Neurodivergent person commits the unforgivable crime of being stupid, you never cared in the first place