Sigyn Silica
The thing about Inverno (from Vivaldi's le quarte saisons) is that it perfectly encapsulates every emotion I have for winter
Sigyn Silica
Allegro non malto (1) is ah there's so much danger and mischief inherent to this time of year, lessons are to be learned and new experiences to be had and all of this with just a hint of "Driving is way more likely to kill you isn't that exciting" and it may be difficult to slog through but Gotdang aren't you glad you did???
Sigyn Silica
Largo (2) is 🥺 its so pretty and gorgeous and everything is shiny and white and delicate and ephemeral and the world is a gift given to us and I embrace it with open arms and many layers
And then of course Lento (3) is what the heck it's so cold I hate it I hate everything seasonal depression take me now
Sigyn Silica
Lento sounds like it's shivering and glaring at you and that is absolutely a mood that I can get behind