Sigyn Silica
Y'all what do you think was the most important lesson you learned this year?
Feeling proud of myself & trying not to be dependent on others' validation
Also, if you're gonna write a huge thing, write the chapters out of order so you don't publish the first one and get burnt out and never update it
That my mother's validation doesn't actually mean that much to me. It only matters because she taught me that it matters. Also trusting myself, and believing myself and my instincts. And also caring more about my body's strength than my body's size.
How about you, Eden?
yeah! how about you? I'll have to think more about this personally
Sigyn Silica
it seems to me like we've all three been learning independence and self-actualization
my valuable lesson was either the thing I was talking about the other day, with how caring about what strangers think of you is dangerous
Sigyn Silica
or the whole "You can handle anything the world throws at you except death and that comes for everyone so anxiety is premeditated failure at best"
Sigyn Silica
There was also
- if you want to get stuff done then do it and it will get done
- all people want to think of themselves as good people and therefore they are far more likely to help than hurt you if they know how
- People who want to hurt you rarely think of themselves as people who want to hurt you so choose your allies wisely
Sigyn Silica
- Genuine kindness towards others is always kindness towards yourself and vice versa
- Rest and Fun are never unproductive
- the nature of life is that harm is inevitable and being afraid of dealing harm will result in refraining from living
- if you're feeling unappreciated, text someone you love who will be thrilled to hear from you
Sigyn Silica
- ask the right questions and pay attention to the answers and you will be known as both a valuable resource and a pleasure to talk to
- people who love you do not get a free pass to everything you are just because they love you. being an open book is more cruel to yourself than being a closed book can ever be cruel to them
Sigyn Silica
- sticking around where you aren't valued will ensure that you never feel valued
- always. bring. water. to. work. a l w a y s.
you are absolutely right!