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@hibariv - 人們用他們偏愛的方式界定事物,他說,「公認的字的定義」就此打破。在他的記述中,西元...
@hibariv - 非常律師禹英禑 05 *Spoiler Alert*

看到留言突然弄懂了 04-20 以來的困惑:我和他們就真的不是同類。 They are yearning for war.

既不尊重話語的力量,也不尊重生命本身,視而不見聽而不聞, 所以是自願地選擇嘴砲與目盲。

https://images.plurk.com/2BoMuqf1U3JzZfOpBJ1P1E.jpg https://images.plurk.com/5Vp7U2RjvcoQ9wwKWbDTgk.jpg https://images.plurk.com/3IWQ62FjhaYEzZzvj5le2B.jpg https://images.plurk.com/STAsUaUuptUGV2fmSewmW.jpg
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“ Man seeks peace, yet at the same time, yearning for war. Those are the two realms belonging solely to man. Thinking of peace whilst spilling blood is something only humans can do. They’re two side of the same coin. ”

—— Madara Uchiha,《Naruto Shippuden》