🚨11/24/2024 美國大選結束之後的蔡英文出訪。 回頭看這一段我覺得很疑惑,這個時間是怎麼估算出來的? "We still have time to prepare for ourselves ... Like I said, we still have time. We can also become better prepared, of course, with the help of our friends,"
Taipei, Nov. 24 (CNA) The United States should focus on providing assistance to Ukraine despite the impact that could have on efforts to help Taiwan in the event of a Chinese attack, former President Tsai Ing-wen (蔡英文) said at an international security event in Canada on Saturday (local time).
以常識來做邏輯推演 1. CCP 的攻台時間表從2024年變成2027年 2. 我不覺得台灣有足夠時間,在低出生率和缺工的狀況,充實足夠訓練有素可上戰場兵力 3. 台灣八年來軍事預算佔GDP的比例從2%增加到2.5%,這個數字完全不夠 (Taiwan has increased its military budget from 2 percent to 2.5 percent of its GDP in eight years)
"We still have time to prepare for ourselves ... Like I said, we still have time. We can also become better prepared, of course, with the help of our friends,"
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the Guardian
Taipei, Nov. 24 (CNA) The United States should focus on providing assistance to Ukraine despite the impact that could have on efforts to help Taiwan in the event of a Chinese attack, former President Tsai Ing-wen (蔡英文) said at an international security event in Canada on Saturday (local time).
1. CCP 的攻台時間表從2024年變成2027年
2. 我不覺得台灣有足夠時間,在低出生率和缺工的狀況,充實足夠訓練有素可上戰場兵力
3. 台灣八年來軍事預算佔GDP的比例從2%增加到2.5%,這個數字完全不夠
(Taiwan has increased its military budget from 2 percent to 2.5 percent of its GDP in eight years)