Sigyn Silica
I can't get over how good a movie Finding Nemo is
Sigyn Silica
like it's such high quality
the scripting is phenomenal
every single character feels like a Whole Person no matter how much screen time they're given
it's incredibly well-researched
it's hilarious
I've never seen a better depiction of Gradually Realizing All Hope Is Lost than the scene with Marlin chasing after the boat
Sigyn Silica
like that bell tolling
the wide angles
the way Marlin has to gasp for air and his own mortality gets in the way of his objective
Sigyn Silica
not to mention Every Single Character who's given enough time for an arc
has such an arc
the tank fish??? Gill???? the sharks???? Mr. Ray the Science Teacher????? those are real, fleshed out characters
Sigyn Silica
you can really tell how much love the creators poured into the making of that movie
how much went into that
no wonder it's still one of the iconic Pixar movies
It knocked it out of the park
Sigyn Silica
like I just watched The Good Dinosaur today as well and the contrast??? The Good Dinosaur was clearly very poorly researched
someone had One Idea that went "what if the dinosaurs didn't die out before humans evolved?"
and then like
didn't think about anything else
Sigyn Silica
Why did the humans act like dogs? Humans aren't an evolutionary descendant of dogs. That doesn't make sense
Sigyn Silica
why was Spot white?
they were supposed to be in America
somewhere around the Yellowstone area
...why would a proto-human be there
and especially
why would a white proto-human be there
Sigyn Silica
Like if we're saying humans spontaneously evolved from dogs there
they'd look a lot more doggish at first
and if we're saying the Folks have already crossed the land bridge
they wouldn't be white
the other ones wouldn't have platinum blonde hair
they'd look like native Americans
Sigyn Silica
ain't got none of that in Finding Nemo is what I'm trying to say
Sigyn Silica
okay now I'm actually thinking about how Sauropods are one of the most widespread dinosaur fossils and can be found on every continent except Antarctica
they were around from the beginning of the Triassic era to the very end of the Cretaceous
Sigyn Silica
They're like
massive rats
in a sense
they're everywhere
Sigyn Silica
I miss them . _.) it doesn't make sense for a creature that big to have been around for That Long and in so many iterations
just the concept of megafauna on that scale like that is bizarre to me
they must've slept so much
Sigyn Silica
idk if I've said this here but if they looked up really quickly it would've killed them because their neck was so long the blood wouldn't be able to reach their brain in time
like when you stand up so fast that you see stars and get dizzy
but your neck is short enough that your brain can get blood in time
if a sauropod tried that, it would collapse
Sigyn Silica
ik everyone likes them to have the posture of llamas but they had to be more lizard-shaped
very horizontal beasts that move super slowly
Sigyn Silica
I love dinosaurs
I'd love to meet one!!
Sigyn Silica
personally I would not
they'd freak the heck out of me I just wish they were still around for other ppl to meet and study
that's completely understandable too! Huge huge creatures