what if fart huffing was a real thing some people were super into and it was a constant culture-war level controversy and you would see people arguing about it all the time and whenever someone accidentally farted at a family gathering with politically dissimilar attendees there would be a slight awkward silence as everyone tries not to set each other off
okay time to start my writing assignment now 3 hours wasted but still 3 left :-D whats in front of me is in front of me!!
fuck this auto smiley feature I wanted a : D
ok lowkey I think I did a pretty good job it wouldve been better if I had just done that 3 hours ago and then had the next 3 hours to relax and vibe instead of doing things in the opposite order but we did get it done its submitted. now I leave for that class soon, and tonight after that, I'll do one of the two things that I have to have done tomorrow
well I didn't do an assignment tonight in part bc I was hanging out with a friend and good conversations were had but at least I read a super interesting thought provoking blog post and folded perhaps the largest amount of clothes at once that I ever have which took me like an hour
I'll possible be a bit rushed I may not have time for the errands I wanted to buy I should still have time for both assignments in the morning since one of my classes is cancelled
and then tomorrow night after work I gotta annotate another reading and then I gotta work on an analysis assignment over the weekend.. stuff to do stuff to do. but wanting to have time for both school and other things I want to do is a motivation to be efficient in my time usage
this is my play by play productivity blog now apparently