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The Big Bang Theory S1, 01

.... 然後首次發現我在睡夢裡看到 心像掠過識海的方式就和片頭插畫投影一樣。
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S1, 02
我不僅會當場相信 Lois Lane 高速下墜時的衝力迎著 Superman 雙臂將被切成三段的假設,還打算要進一步追問無論從身體的什麼部位都能切分均等麼?碰到骨骼一點都不影響結果麼?她會當場死亡還是像電影演得一樣仍有意識?
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- I hardly think so.

。Why not?

Sheldon 不幫忙搬家具的回答是基於條件與能力限制的 problem solving 思維,而非狀況本身有多困難或與己無關,簡言之所有變因都可以衡量 .... 有點明白我難以拒絕他人請求的原因了。
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- I had no choice.
- I couldn’t sleep knowing just outside my bedroom was our living room, .... and immediately chasing that hallway is THIS.

- I just gave you a reasonable explanation.

- Don’t be ridiculous. I have no peers.

Oh dear,這跟我看了社會新聞以後經常失眠的理由一樣嘛。
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我最喜歡 ASD 特質的地方就是只要對方有意願聽、即使很不高興都一定會好好地把事情或想法解釋清楚,對方接受與否是他的自由,我希望的只是主動告知、充分知情好讓每個人行使各自的自由意志;

因此當對方表現出不想聽的態度時會令我覺得非常受傷甚至沮喪到陷入 non verbal & executive dysfunction 狀態(失語 & 喪失執行功能),即使我已經習慣了 Neurotypical 就是喜歡這樣 brush things off 自以為息事寧人,卻從來沒辦法小事化無—— 不從根本上防微杜漸,捲土重來只會更嚴重。
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The Big Bang Theory 1x2 | Next morning after cleanin...

- You have a sarcasm sign?

Not every time you open your mouth, just use the sign when you’re doing sarcasm.

Rainer Maria Rilke 已經給出了最好的答案。

@hibariv - 你自然必須知道,你的每封信永遠都使我歡喜,可是你要寬恕我的回答,它也許對你沒有什麼...
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https://images.plurk.com/3ZcJG5b1OpRC0pjvVOzEcE.png https://images.plurk.com/59i2yA3JQ6mAetlR5qAVw6.png

- Depending on the depth,

- .... Oh.

主動提出醫療建議這段 .... 冰凍三尺非一日之寒、尊重他人命運,現在的我學會了閉嘴,大多數時候啦。
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- Well, that’s was little non responsive.

- That wasn’t sarcasm?

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- I did what I could.

Sheldon 其實沒覺得自己做錯事,從這段話可以看出他仍然認為 Penny 過度反應但同時接受她有權生氣,完全是為著 Leonard 的潛在機會才肯道歉。

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啊,共組家具那段關於散熱裝置的討論,阿咪打小就用 ‘ 容易認真的個性 ’ 嘲笑我;


@hibariv on Plurk
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S1, 03

- I’m a rouge knight elf. Don’t you people read the character descriptions?

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我喜歡 Leslie 一下子就相信了 Leonard 用儀器加熱杯麵的實驗建議。
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- That depends. When I learned that I’m a robot, will I be able to handle it?

- Umm, let me ask you this,
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- Nevertheless, I do feel obligated to point out to you,

- There’s always possibilities,
- Of course, there’s the other possibility that this day kicks off ....

- If I could have, I would have.

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- It‘s biofeedback technique. It’s relaxation through brainwave manipulation.

- I read it in the journal of American Neuroscience.
- It’s was sparsely sourced, but I think the science is valid.
- I probably have it here somewhere.

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- At best you can say, “Hey, look, my idea has an internal logical consistency.”
