On 8/20/24, some people registered a new domain, kbsf-tv (dot) com. It is not a TV station. But they posted a phony news story purporting to be news. It alleges Harris hit and run a 13yo girl, paralyzing her. It's pretty obviously fake, but folks are sharing. Just so you know.
Here's the registration https://www.godaddy.com/...
There is no such station
This is the video. It's poorly done, but they will get better. Be warned of this kind of shit happening.
Elon's Musk (@andItoldyaso) on X
They should not be allowed to register a TV station name for one that does not exist. This is going to get bad quickly.
In 2016 there was a usnews_worldreport domain (gone now) pretending to the the magazine and it had all sorts of scraped stories on sports, arts, etc. and then a whole bunch of fake Hillary stories. I was suspicious when a friend posted a few stories that were clearly fake. I did whois, they didn't pay for private domain, they were
some Serbs living in Macedonia and had registered several fake domains. This was in July, I sent screenshots of all the info to a reporter friend telling him it looked like Russian intervention (Serbia-Russia connection is very likely) and he passed on the story. Said it was too outlandish.
He missed a scoop.
(((Cajsa))) : I sent screenshots of all the info to a reporter friend telling him it looked like Russian intervention (Serbia-Russia connection is very likely) and he passed on the story.
(((Cajsa))) Oh, look: A troll!