canada soviet

Thomas Mulcair: The housing shortage problems in Canada are directly attributable to Trudeau’s decision to rapidly increase Canada’s population. When he took office in 2015, Canada had about 36 million residents, whereas today the population is approaching 42 million.
Stereo Nacht
Et qu'il n'aurait rien fait, et on lui reprocherait la crise de la main-d'oeuvre. J'ai horreur de ces sur-simplifications politiques.
Stereo Nacht :-Pourtant Thomas Mulcair est de gauche ancien chef du NPD
Stereo Nacht
Ça n'est pas le problème. Ça reste une sur-simplification pour des raisons politiques. Je dis ça, et je ne vote même pas Libéral. Je préfère quand les politiciens ont le courage de prendre des décisions difficiles plutôt que de critiquer ou présenter des solutions populistes qui ne règlent rien - ou pire, sont contre-productives.
A lot of first world leaders are freaking out that their populations are decreasing, as kids are not having enough kids, so they are trying to import more folks, even if they are troubled, criminals and support communism and could destroy your country,,,, it's WAAAAY better to encourage your people to just have kids and continue your way of life with good
people who want jobs instead of people who are only here to expoit our systems and mooch off us. OF COURSE not all of the illegals are expoiters but way too many are, and they are trying to spread that whole, Go to American, or wherever and get the free money!