Fuchsia Fox
Okay, anyone have recommendations for end of the world/zombie/horror type media? I'm working on a fic and I need places for the MC to end up.
Fuchsia Fox
So far I have the Walking Dead on the low end of the danger scale, Marvel Zombies on the higher/highest. I need more ideas. They should be survivable, so no 'planet goes boom' scenarios unless there's an escape option. lol
Fuchsia Fox
Horror isn't my usual thing so I'm trying to expand my horizons with this. ;3
Fuchsia Fox
I've gone and turned Pokemon into a weird, lone person in a 'Pokemon game' world. Like what if someone was literally in the game. People are all on scripts. There is no 'free will'. They act like a game npc. They have a set path, a couple of dialogue options and that's it.
Fuchsia Fox
Pokemon are either aggressive, robotic like things that attack on sight, or once caught, essentially robotic plush covered robots that have no will, just follow instructions like the game. Tackle, bite, etc. No emotions, no movement, just stand there and wait till given a battle order.
Fuchsia Fox
/rambling because I'm too chicken to post what I've written anywhere atm
Let's seee... Fallout, Left for dead, high school of the dead... Halo honestly :|a
Fuchsia Fox
Fallout and Halo, I'll add those to the 'possible' list. I do want to avoid too many of the same things repeating. (Will still check out the other ones as things to watch/play) I mean, a zombie shooter is a zombie shooter, so in theory I may do a fused world with a couple of them depending.
Fuchsia Fox
Added Waterworld and fallout to my list of worlds... xD
You could also consider something on the opposite end of the spectrum, like candy land. Except everything there is cannibalistic.