Exonerated death row inmate who spent 50 years in pr...
西蒙斯Glynn Simmons總共坐牢48年1個月又18天,去年獲法院改判無罪並且釋放,結束過去數十年平白蒙受的牢獄之災。根據「美國國家冤案登錄中心」National Registry of Exonerations是美國史上獲平反的囚犯中,冤獄最久的人。奧克拉荷馬州艾德蒙市Edmond市議會投票通過與西蒙斯進入和解程序,以解決對該市和當年協助逮捕西蒙斯其中一名警探所提出的部分索賠要求。西蒙斯控告「這些城市與當年捏造證據…構陷他犯下謀殺罪的警方人員」一案中,這筆和解金僅代表「部分和解」。西蒙斯首席律師伊莉莎白‧王 指出:「西蒙斯先生為了從未犯下罪行入獄,不幸耗掉人生一大段時間。」
美非裔男子冤獄坐牢48年獲釋 將獲得逾2億和解金 | 國際 | 中央社 CNA
“Mr. Simmons spent a tragic amount of time incarcerated for a crime he did not commit. Although he will never get that time back, this settlement with Edmond will allow him to move forward while also continuing to press his claims against the Oklahoma City defendants. We are very much looking forward to holding them accountable at trial in March,"
Elizabeth Wang, Simmons' lead attorney, said in a statement.

Simmons, 71, was released from prison last July after prosecutors agreed that key evidence in his case was not turned over to his defense lawyers. In January, an Oklahoma County judge officially exonerated him.
Edmond reaches $7M settlement with exonerated Glynn ...