Can we just be really clear on this? Lin is not, as far as anyone knows, a transgender woman. Lin is also not male, as far as anyone knows, and has never changed her gender identity.
Only one thing is really clear. It is all very hard on Lin and the Algerian boxer Imane Khelif, who had a similar result in a test taken by the IBA. Both boxed without incident in Tokyo. Both have competed for years at this level.
In the end the only obvious fault here lies with the IOC’s malfunctioning boxing unit, which has managed this situation with a ham-fisted and weirdly aggressive sense of its own certainty. It lies with Thomas Bach, who clearly just hoped this would all blow over.
It lies with the failure to formulate a proper policy, to have a plan and a programme for the athletes. It lies with every talking head who has half-understood this situation, has assumed that what they are witnessing here is just another variation on previous outrages and leapt in with both feet.
然後這也才終於願意承認,目前沒有證據顯示林郁婷以及Imane Khelif有除了女人之外的性別,因為他們生來就是女嬰、也是以女性的身份被養大。