Welp, Joe endorsed Kamala. We’re fucked.
Cami Mahovlich
I don't understand why the Dems are doing this, as if they didn't know how old he'd be when he was running a second term. Our best chance to beat Trump is still Biden no matter what others keep saying. The dems are just so fucking weak it drives me nuts. I mean, the people telling him to step down are as old as him. They need to take their own advice.
Cami Mahovlich
I think Kamala would be great, but I dont know if this country is ready for a black female president
Cami Mahovlich : we’re too racist and sexist still, unfortunately.
nkaru 👁️‍🗨️
As someone said elsewhere, the tacists and sexists were already voting for Trump. 🤞🏼
Cami Mahovlich
nkaru 👁️‍🗨️ : I think that too
Cami Mahovlich
OhCecilia : I gave it more thought and I think it may be a good thing. This will force the media to start talking about more than Biden's age. It will also weaken Trump no matter how you look at it. Someone younger than him will make him look even older and will highlight his dementia more.
I hope you’re right guys. I truly do.
Sean Gorham
Endorsements count for about as much as my Steam wishlist: it's something I'd like to have but it's not a guarantee of any particular outcome.

My guess - and that's all it is, a guess - is that we'll see a scramble amongst the Dems to see who gets the nomination.

Most importantly: THIS IS NOT OVER. Nobody knows how this will turn out. Nobody.
Cami Mahovlich
Sean Gorham : As it is looking now Kamala will get the nom, this way we can keep the incumbent factor. Plus it's showing that 80% of Dems support Kamala for the pick. Not to mention, all the money raised for Biden/Harris can only be used for Biden or Harris.
Cami Mahovlich
She is also polling better than Biden in many places that we need to have the votes.
Sean Gorham
Right now things look pretty good for Kamala, absolutely. But it's been, what - a couple hours since Joe stepped down? We simply don't know how things will play out in the next few weeks. Nothing's set in stone. It's far too early for doom-and-gloom.

But if she does end up the candidate, I'll hold my nose and vote for her just like I would for Biden.
Sean Gorham
Because anyone else is better than the alternative. It's a sad state of affairs but it's what we've got, and we need to be pragmatic while we work on better long-term solutions.
Cami Mahovlich
Sean Gorham : I've been doom and gloom for months and will continue to be until we win. I think many people feel the same way.
...yeah idk I'll be thrilled if the party coalesces and unifies and works together, but I'm not clear why we'd actually expect that.
Sean Gorham
Cami Mahovlich : I get it, I truly do. As a visibly transfeminine person I'm scared to death that my very existence will be criminalized, should That Orange Asshole get back into office. The situation is downright dire, and for a long time I felt like giving up.

What made the difference for me was getting involved in my community's politics.
Sean Gorham
I know not everybody can do this. It's worth a try if you have the energy. Not only did it get me involved, it let me meet other like-minded people who didn't use my identity against me.
Sean Gorham
I just made a really long post on my timeline talking about this. I also emphasized something else: Don't panic. I'll say here what I said in that post: This isn't over. Nobody knows the future. They want us to give up, and they use fear and apathy to cow us. We need to prove them wrong.

@SeanGorham - I've been posting this everywhere, bec...
Dakota Revolver
Personally, Id like Newsome because native californian that believes in the many things newsome has enacted (though I will specifically charge he ruined sf with the overdevelopment kicking a lot of people out of the city)
Dakota Revolver
but I am also a realist and that voters in PA or WI may not love a left coaster
Cami Mahovlich
Dakota Revolver : My issue with him is he gives off ick vibes
Dakota Revolver
yeah what I know about Newsome's personal life is that he's a sleazeball and I am not sure people would understand his story as relating to their own
Cami Mahovlich
Sean Gorham
There's no perfect candidate. All of them will have stuff we like or hate.

They're all still better than That Orange Asshole.
Cami Mahovlich
Since the announcement today they have raised over 72 million on ActBlue. I'm seeing a lot of people excited and energized for what is to come.
Sean Gorham
I think that's a really good sign!