Sean Gorham
I've been posting this everywhere, because everybody needs to read this. I don't normally beg for replurks, but this time - please replurk!

The other day I listened to the latest episode of the "It Could Happen Here" podcast by Robert Evans, titled "Don't Panic". I think what he said is worth sharing. I also agree with him on much of what he said.
Sean Gorham
Are things bad right now? Absolutely. But we're not doomed yet. The fascists are doing the mask-off, full-throated hate routine because they know they're not guaranteed a win, even after the events of the past couple weeks. They're counting on apathy, despair and fear to make us give up.
Sean Gorham
Please, don't give up. This isn't over. If you've got the spoons, please give this a listen. I really think it's worth the time.

Don't Panic - It Could Happen Here | iHeart
Sean Gorham
IF you have the spoons for it, work locally to effect change. Find a cause. Get involved with your town's politics, even if it's just attending a meeting. Find other like-minded people. Organize. Plan.

DO NOT CATASTROPHIZE OVER WHAT HASN'T HAPPENED YET. (Robert talks about this in the podcast, too!) Focus on what you can change.
Sean Gorham
Real change in this country won't come from the top down. It'll come from the bottom up - true grassroots effort at the city/state level.

To sum up:

If we fight, we might lose.

If we give up, we will lose.

Don't give up. Don't give in. This isn't over.