Thunder Saga spoilers
(I’m sorry. I’m busy today so I promise I won’t be rambling on as much as yesterday, even if only because I don’t have time XD)
It’s so sad how much Eurylochus and the rest of the crew love Odysseus
They stabbed him
They committed mutiny
And despite having recently called themselves “the man-made monsters,” they treat the wound. They don’t let him die. They keep him on the ship. They even take him onto the island with them to get food.
Eurylochus deliberately uses his name, after calling him Captain or “sir” every time he’s addressed him previously. It’s a demonstration of power and deliberate disrespect.

Except he calls him Ody. He uses a nickname. Even when he’s just overthrown Odysseus as captain, he can’t be hateful toward him as his brother, and he continues calling him “my friend”
Like, the crew does what needs to be done, obviously. They did hurt him. Because he sacrificed six of their friends without a second thought. But then they saved him, and they’re still treating him with respect, just not as an authority figure, anymore. Eurylochus is his brother in law, and his best friend. They’re brothers in every sense of the word.
And then Odysseus looks him in the eyes and doesn’t even say the words, that he wants them to die to save himself. He just points at them.
Anyway this saga may actually be more emotionally devastating than the Underworld Saga, which I did not think was possible
Don't be sorry for talking about this /gen
aww thank you
I’ve been listening to the others sagas and this just gets worse and worse, man
These are all things Odysseus has said:
“Your families wonder where you’ve been / They’re growing old and yet you’re still here / Do what I say and you’ll see them again”

“We should try to find a way no one ends up dead”

“No dying on me now, defeat is not allowed”
“Every time someone dies, I’m left to deal with the strain”

“Have them follow my ship, I’ll ensure that we prevail”

“I still believe in goodness / I still believe that we could be kind / Lead from the heart, and see what starts”

“I took six hundred men to war and not one of them died there”
“Of course I’d like to leave, now / Of course I’d like to run / But I can hardly sleep now, knowing everything we’ve done / There’s no length I wouldn’t go if it was you I had to save”

“I’ve got people to protect, friends I can’t neglect”
The entire damn time he’s been protecting his crew and promising to get them home
He told them they’d get home if they followed him, and now when they followed him, he knowingly used their trust to lead them to their deaths
The “there’s no length I wouldn’t go if it was you I had to save”? He said that to Eurylochus. To his brother. Who he then looked in the eyes and murdered
And I skipped over Remember Them completely because there is way to much to unpack there holy shit
“When the fire begins to fade / For the fallen and afraid / We are not to let them die in vain / Remember them / We’re the ones who carry on / The flames of those who’ve gone / And our comrades will not die in vain”
“What good would killing do / When mercy is a skill more of this world could learn to use? / My friend is dead, our foe is blind / Is this what it means to be a warrior of the mind?”
“When we met, I lead with peace / While you fed your inner beast / But my comrades will not die in vain / Remember them / The next time that You dare choose not to spare / Remember them / Remember us / Remember me / I’m the reigning king of Ithaca / I am neither man nor mythical / I am your darkest moment / I am the infamous / Odysseus”
In Different Beast
It’s basically the inverse of Remember Them
They sing some of the same parts
And it ends with the crew just saying Odysseus’s name
Instead of the way he blinded Polyphemus to save his men, but wouldn’t kill him, he captured all the sirens, cut their tails off—it’s heavily implied that the soldiers used the tails as food—and
threw their bodies back in the water so that they’d drown
And instead of him telling Polyphemus who chose to spare his life
It’s the crew telling the sirens who chose not to spare theirs
And the choice to have the crew say it is so interesting, too, because they are actively also killing the sirens
Yet they all say his name
They change from “we are
the man-made monster” to ”he is the man-made monster”
And then in Mutiny, I think Eurylochus explains perfectly why they said It instead of Odysseus himself
“If you want all the power, you must carry all the blame”
I genuinely have not stopped thinking about this saga since it came out
And I hope everybody is prepared for whenever the next saga comes out because this damn musical just keeps getting better and I am going to be at least twice as insufferable next time /lh
also there’s probably a bunch of typos here but my autocorrect is glitching again or something so I can’t type anything right now