...last two things I swear
1) I can’t get over the portrayal of Zeus in the Thunder Saga. Like with all the other gods I’ve been like “oh that’s a cool interpretation/portrayal of them” but not a single creative thing was done with Zeus. His personality is so directly from the source material that it hurts. He just shows up to be a pervert and cause problems
Literally that is his only purpose
There’s not even a reason to be perverted
He’s just there to kill some dudes
And somehow he makes it really perverted
It’s kinda impressive

2) I just saw somebody comment on a video about Odysseus killing the sirens saying “mans became the monster” and idk why but that is so hysterically funny to me
I really can’t get over Zeus
I’ve been all like “Oh I love the characterization of Athena! Poseidon’s motivation is so fascinating! Hermes is really fun and cool in this, I wouldn’t have thought to make him like that!” and then Zeus shows up and it’s like yeah that sure is Zeus right there
This is the beginning of Thunder Bringer
literally how he introduces himself
“Pride is a damsel in distress / Hiding away where only I can undress her / Try all she can not to confess / In the end, it’s all the same once I apply all the pressure / Thunder, bring her through the wringer / Show her I’m the judgement call, the one who makes her kingdom (1/2)
fall / Lightning, wield her, use and yield her / Show her what she can’t conceal, for true nature will be revealed”