Sigyn Silica
Help how do I dress the part of a carnival worker
I have a top hat does that fit the vibe
Part of me says I should just go in jeans and a T-shirt because it's gonna be muddy out there but the other half of me says NO BE FANCY
Top hat is perfect if you want to be the ring master. I’d also recommend tights and a cane.
Sigyn Silica
welllll it's not a circus
I'm probably going to be in charge of one of the obviously rigged games and be saying "Oh bad luck! Have another go, missy? Fifteenth time's charm!" all night
Sigyn Silica
Obviously I'll need to theme my outfit to red white and blue too
Sigyn Silica
Gotta look as French and/or Russian as I can on America Day
Huh, well if you’re going for a true carnival, then you’ll have to go much farther back than top hats.
Sigyn Silica
that's true
how about a fedora?
Idk. I know more about circus dress than carnival dress. I didn’t realize how big of a difference there is.
Sigyn Silica
Idk if there is one
All the carnivals I've been to have people wearing work clothes because they helped set up and tear down and I can go for that maybe
Sigyn Silica
I'll just go for red white and blue and see if that's an appropriate vibe