ᕕ(´◓ω◓)ᕗ BIZ
https://images.plurk.com/6qr3d4iYEJMhUQVZtccQaQ.jpg see I want a body pillow like this, like, it's multiple adjustable tubular pillows and a solid core, exactly my current set-up for back pain, but I do not want it shaped like a person.
ᕕ(´◓ω◓)ᕗ BIZ
Why are there hands! Why are there FEET!! WHY ARE THERE CLOTHES THAT YOU CAN REMOVE!!!
ᕕ(´◓ω◓)ᕗ BIZ
(I know the reasons for these things! These things are Key Features for their intended audience. I just personally have a high aversion to some plush person in my bed.)
🍉 catipede
ᕕ(´◓ω◓)ᕗ BIZ
Honestly, the bear head isn't helping. I'd rather it was fully humanoid. Feels less "uncanny valley" to me.
ᕕ(´◓ω◓)ᕗ BIZ
It can have bear paws and a bear head! Then it's fully a stuffed animal, and suddenly my aversion dissipates.
🍉 catipede
YEAH the bear head is nice... just please. paws.
wo ai ni ★
Oh boy
wo ai ni ★
Man I have a scarf with paws...
ᕕ(´◓ω◓)ᕗ BIZ
For some folks, it's great that there's an item that can wear a deceased partner's clothing, or hold them properly when they're feeling isolated, or wear those knitted socks your auntie keeps sending you.
ᕕ(´◓ω◓)ᕗ BIZ
This item is Not For Me but if it helps someone else, whatever. It's your plush buddy.
ᕕ(´◓ω◓)ᕗ BIZ
I won't think you're a potential serial killer if it's in your bed, I'll just be drawing the hard boundary that it NEVER touches me.