Freyja 金
Yeah, so YouTube tried to redesign their desktop site and it's horrible. (haha) I get the idea that they want people to be able to scroll down the comments while watching the video, but what bothers me so much is the video recommendations below. So weird. (haha)
Freyja 金 It's so genius. Click "More" and what you get is description and you need to click another "More" to see the full description (haha)
Freyja 金
I'm going back to the old UI
Freyja 金
Also, the video that I was watching >
True Facts: Bees That Play With Balls And Do Math!
Freyja 金
It's hilarious (haha)
yhea it sucked.... now its available for trial for premium users
tidak oke?
Freyja 金
kittensate : Nope.
Freyja 金
Novem☆ : Yeah, I got it offered to me because I'm a premium user. I only used it long enough to make this post (haha)