Stereo Nacht
I was well inspired, this morning. After getting awoken twice by Onyx (first time was still so dark, I just "noped", I couldn't get back asleep again, and played for a while on my tablet. Then knowing I had to empty my car (I still haven't changed my wheels for the summer tires (blush), plus I need to bring back a large mirror), I decided to do it then.
Stereo Nacht
Not 15 minutes after finishing, it started raining again. So next: I call the nearby tire place to see if they'd have a place tomorrow, cause I'll have to accompany mom to her ophtalmologist appointment, so I could leave my car and go with hers.
a rainy Monday is a good day for planning out the rest of the week
Stereo Nacht
Middle bro just asked me to go help him some more, so I guess my day got planned for me! ;-) (I could have refused, but a little income is good to justify my recent expenses... :-D )