<death> <repost from Twitter>
I don't feel up to re-writing this right now, so I'm just gonna copy what I posted on twitter. Which should have differences, but I don't want to - I'll just copy for now.


Not many cared a year ago, either, but.

Although we found out on the 10th, due to finding next of kin, a year ago. June 6th. My brother died.

Found dead.

I never talk about his circumstances.
Social media is full of judgmental a-holes and the things revolving around him I was passionate about prior to his passing.

He died alone.

I think about it frequently.

I think about HIM frequently.

He was only 32 and a half.

How I contacted and tried and tried and
tried to talk to him.

Tried to reach out.

But there are things you can't say on Twt.

Whether it be the whole d0xxing thing or be it people are [redacted].

A month before my birthday my brother passed.

A year ago today.

FB STILL hasn't put the cap on his page, though
I asked them to. Though I sent the information.

Or at least it doesn't look like it.

Any day now certain online places could delete his accts.

Things he hadn't used in YEARS.

He wanted to be a chef.

I'll say more later. Maybe.

I'm numb atm. So. STFU, self.