Freyja 金
Suddenly I think to myself... how did I become the way I am today. How did I become a person that uses mods so effortlessly. Did I ever struggle with mods when I started playing The Sims 4? I'm sure I did, but it's such a distant memory (haha)
Mark (CG)
As with many things in life, it all started the day you played Sims 1 and walled in a Sim to watch them die/Took away the pool ladder with them still swimming
Freyja 金
Mark (CG) : Fun fact: the first Sims game I actually played was The Sims 3 because before that I didn't have access to personal computer. During my gameplay, I didn't murder my own sims, but I did what apparently many players did: marry someone from the Goth family, move to their mansion, and then murder them all so I can have their mansion (lmao)
Freyja 金
The pool ladder trick was really the best during that time (lmao)
Mark (CG)
Jesus Christ (lmao)
Freyja 金
I also, unsurprisingly, did the walled sim murder too (lmao)
Mark (CG)
God I can't wait for Sims 5 to even be more of a nickel and dime microtransaction fest
Mark (CG)
2 was probably my best experience with the franchise, though I didn't really fully get into it
Mark (CG)
No, wait... Sims Medieval. Yeah I enjoyed that the most (LOL)
Freyja 金
I just want them to bring back open world and the charm that older sims games have. I would be okay with Sims 2, 3, Medieval remastered into a new game. Ngl I was surprised that the devs actually have a timeline of the sims games, The Sims 3 being after The Sims 4, which made sense because The Sims 3 was so much more advanced. (haha)
mods master
Freyja 金
kittensate : More like mod hoarder (haha)
Freyja 金 : oh iya, mod hoarder