Freyja 金
Me: sprints around to evade the attacks and survives while plots next attacks
Scylla and the Sirens: perform an absolute banger which lyrics suggest a violent death for me by their hands
Hades II - I Am Gonna Claw (Out Your Eyes then Drown...
Freyja 金
It's such a terrible predicament as I often prolong a boss fight in Hades and Hades II so I can listen to the song playing in the background (lmao)
Freyja 金 This is so true (lmao)
Freyja 金
But as they say, after the pioneer, there shall come someone that surpasses them (lmao)
Freyja 金 After UKBI prep sessions, I feel like these questions are on par with the way we were questioned last night (lmao)